What You Should Know About Hand Tasers

News & Society

  • Author Teresa Bernard
  • Published September 17, 2010
  • Word count 479

Advanced TASERS are one of the top selling self preservation products available today. Here are some interesting things to know about these devices:

What is a TASER device?

A TASER gun is an electrical conducted energy weapon that uses electrical current to disrupt voluntary control of muscles. It will temporarily disable an attacker from a distance when high-energy, low amperage electricity from one of these devices passes through clothing and skin, and enters the body.

How did the TASER get its name?

Taser is an acronym for "Thomas A. Swift's Electric Rifle," (T.A.S.E.R.) a device from an early 20th century children's book, capable of firing bolts of electricity. The TASER name was first used for self defense devices by Jack Cover, a NASA researcher. In 1974, he developed the first device that would become known as a TASER. Today the device is manufactured by TASER International in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Are TASERS legal?

Taser devices are not considered firearms by the United States government, therefore, they can be legally carried (concealed or open) without a permit in 43 states. However, they are prohibited for citizen use in the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, and Wisconsin, as well as certain cities and counties. Their use in Connecticut and Illinois is legal with restrictions. In addition, Federal law prohibits taking Tasers on board commercial airlines in carry-on luggage or on your person, however they may be included in checked baggage if you are traveling to a state that allows possession.

Are TASERS considered safe to use?

Regardless of the criticism from some over safety issues about TASERS, numerous independent studies have concluded that when used properly TASERS are in fact a safe and effective non-lethal alternative for self-defense. They are used by private citizens, police and military personnel worldwide.

What happens when you fire a TASER?

At the moment that the device is fired, two darts are propelled through the air by small compressed nitrogen charges. When they come in contact with the assailant's clothing or skin an electric shock travels through the body immobilizing the neuromuscular system. In a span of five seconds the assailant loses all control and coordination of his or her muscles.

What happens next?

When someone becomes the target of a TASER, the resulting "shock" is caused by an uncontrollable contraction of the muscle tissue for the duration of electrical jolt. This person then becomes temporarily paralyzed and falls to the ground - regardless of pain tolerance or mental focus. The target experiences no lasting effects.

How far does a TASER shoot?

The range of a TASER is anywhere from 15-35 feet for law enforcement and military models and 15 feet only for citizens. Depending on the TASER Cartridge, the darts can be deployed from 0 to 35 feet away from the target. Cartridges are available in ranges of 15, 21, 25 and 35 feet.

Discover more about TASERs and other non-lethal weapons at a1selfdefenseproducts.com.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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