Bluetooth FM transmitter do you believe that kind of amazing one?

Computers & TechnologyTechnology

  • Author Serena Du
  • Published October 17, 2010
  • Word count 423

Bluetooth FM transmitter do you believe that kind of amazing one?

Did you ever hear about Bluetooth Fm transmitter? Did you know about that kind of product?

Well as a fancier of fm transmitter to tell you truth I really did not see that kind of product before. Even after I heard about that I did not know what exactly stuff it actually was. I mean I even could not image that kind of thing`s existing. When I saw this little Bluetooth FM transmitter I found there is no cable in its packing box. This is probably the most attractive place--no cable in it at all and no plug holes. Can you image that?

I bet you never saw that kind of even we can call it strange things.

The operational principle of Bluetooth FM transmitter is just based on extending wireless technology by using the Bluetooth to connect the fm transmitter and the sound output device instead of the cables. My friend told me the reason why he bought it just for it can act as either a transmitter or a receiver by flipping a switch and has both front panel buttons and IR remote, allowing the box to send AVRCP commands (pause/fwd/back/vol) back to the Bluetooth transmitter. Do you see that? I mean how wonderful it is! I have never touched such a kind of cool thing, swear to god!

Anyway I promote the usage of that Bluetooth FM transmitter--connected to my laptop, the TV and also my Iphone. Yeah talked about the iphone i really wanna say something. At the first the GE Bluetooth box stays in "connected" mode even after my iphone is put in standby. The result is that I can't reconnect the iphone until I power-cycle the Bluetooth box (unplug/plug-in). I probably need to do a Bluetooth disconnect before going into standby mode. Just amazing, I do not know so much about the new thing you know never touched before but the life after I own it becomes just a big difference. You know what at the time I am writing all this down I really wanna go back to its place and come on do me a favor, never and ever trouble me just let me play with him for a while again.

You know what I am thinking now? Yeah, you really need to own one and do yourself a favor to do anything you want with him. You`ll find the special things this little fairy brings to you.

Know more information about FM Transmitter Technology latest information, you can find Bluetooth FM transmitter for more.

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