Get Rid of Cellulite: One True Way to Get Rid of Cellulite

Health & FitnessWeight-Loss

  • Author Kenneth Ford
  • Published November 1, 2010
  • Word count 581

"I want to get rid of my cellulite…"

It’s the one wish every woman with the bumps, dimples and orange peel – would do anything for. From slender, young women to older and flabbier women – the appearance of cellulite can affect any female – at any point in her lifetime.

Unfortunately, despite all the various "ways to get rid of it" – there is only one way that actually works.

A specifically targeted, lower body exercise program can get rid of cellulite. Let me clarify – it can get rid of the appearance of cellulite. See, there really is no substance in, or under, the skin known as cellulite.

Cellulite is simply the name given the appearance of the bumps, dimples and orange peel effect on a woman’s lower body.

Truth About "Cellulite"

But with all the confusion caused by the mass media and unscrupulous marketers – the average woman has been led to believe there is something actually in, or beneath her skin called cellulite. This can’t be further from the truth.

But because of this misleading education – 97% of women who have ‘cellulite’ end up buying into the sales pitches behind the pills, lotions, body wraps, gadgets, machines, medi-spa treatments and skin scrubs. With no results to show for the money wasted and time spent.

Most Women Give Up – But Some Keep Searching

Not only is it frustrating – it’s demoralizing. So much so, that most women give up. But some do not – they keep looking. And the fortunate ones come across an exercise program specifically designed to reduce and get rid of cellulite.

So, what are the exercises which get rid of cellulite?

The good news is you do not have to subject yourself to joining your local sweat shop – or shell out $700 dollars for a health club membership. The truth is, you only have focus on a series of body-weight exercises targeting your legs, butt, hips and thighs. No weights or machines are needed – as they are actually counterproductive.

Here are four anti cellulite exercises to INCLUDE in your cellulite reduction program:

1 – Symmetrical Hip Extensions

2 – Slow Step Downs

3 – Low Tempo Leg Lift

4 – Bilateral Touch-Downs

Here are four lower body (gym based) exercises to AVOID:

1 – Dead Lifts

2 – Leg Extensions

3 – Bar Squats

4 – Hamstring Curls

Muscle Toning Synergy Creates Smooth and Tight Skin

For specific matters of achieving a tightly smoothed look in your legs, buns, hips and thighs – you only need to focus on a core group of exercises. These exercises create powerful muscle toning synergy when combined with proper form, tempo and sequence.

This combination reverses the effects of muscular atrophy. Muscular atrophy is where a muscle, or group of muscles, is only used minimally. For example – most women simply walk from one place to another – or they are on a basic cardio exercise program or yoga routine which is not intended to firm and tone certain muscles groups.

When those lower body muscles are not firmly strengthened – they allow the skin on top of them to sag and pucker – resulting in the dimples and bumps we see on the surface – a.k.a. "cellulite".

By reversing muscular atrophy – you get rid of the mushy softness under the skin – and you develop a certain degree of natural muscle density. This natural level of muscle density pushes out on the superficial skin layers and levels out the uneven surface of the visible skin.

It sounds pretty simple – because it is.

It’s basic physiology. No hype, no lies, no sneaky marketing production.

EliKen is a company formed by Husband/wife team, Kenneth Ford and Eliene. They became involved in internet marketing, through the process of learning to drive traffic to Kenneth's Insurance sites. Kenneth's Education includes a BS in History, from Northeastern University, A Master of Business Administration, from Boston University, and 21 years practical business and marketing experience. Eliene, has an IT and biology degree from Brazil. ( Eliken )

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