Be a Charming Fresh fruit Beauty

Health & FitnessBeauty

  • Author Serena Du
  • Published November 5, 2010
  • Word count 693

Be a Charming Fresh fruit Beauty!

Sweet taste, color and attractive fruit, the charm that shines from the inside to out, to be appetizing. In addition to delicious fruits, they also have health benefits, in fact it is also has a variety of natural skin care effects.

Many beauty products beauty company spotted the role of fruit, seize the development opportunities, development of fruit skin care series, widely used in a variety of fruit extracts and nutrients into skin care products by the market. The reason is that people never resist the natural ingredients, plus fresh fruit, fruit with skin care and color beautiful, use it, feel particularly memorable, and virtually increase the skin's fun. Perhaps you might ask, since the fruit can protect skin, why not directly into the stomach to eat?

Eat more fruit does good to body, but it is not effective in up to beautiful skin. This is because the fruit contains some of the vitamin would be lost in storage, oxidation, in the washing process will be a lot of losses. Together with our skin is the largest organ of the body surface covered by the blood all the way in the distribution process to deliver nutrients down to the capillaries in the skin can be absorbed through the skin when the vitamin is running low. Therefore, I hope fair-skinned and perfect, will be applied directly on the skin of fruit vitamins than "eat" more quickly and efficiently. So we say: Do not just let your mouth to enjoy the fruit, make your skin feel as also from the care of fruit, fresh fruit to be a beauty!

Lemon: Lemon in skin care applications, the lemon can be said that the "magic fruit", and its flesh, and its juice, or even peel can be fully utilized, its features include clean and whiten the skin, increase skin elasticity, and to improve oil production strong situation.

Breast milk can Papaya, papaya enzyme can gently remove dead skin. When you feel your skin dark, face a thick accumulation of dead skin, they should be used with papaya ingredients.

Lime: lime body is very valuable, particularly in the seeds of its more prominent, the surface sticky substance is the main component of pectin, is a dietary fiber, and its ability to retain moisture absorbent and strong, with a natural moisturizing effect. In addition, the seeds of flavonoids, catechins and other antioxidants can prevent formation of dark spots of skin surface, contains citric acid, acid can get rid of excess skin.

Pineapple: Pineapple flesh has to toxic whitening effect, because it contains an enzyme that can remove the skin on the aging of the skin. In Sri Lanka, women are the face with a pineapple slices to clean the dirt.

The essence of citrus such as orange citrus, clean and high efficiency, can remove dirt and excess oil. Rich in vitamin C contained in a whitening effect, effective against melanoma, thereby improving the dark color, smooth skin back white.

Cherry: ranked first fruit in iron content, the vitamin content is also higher than Apple, in addition to its high content of minerals and potassium, is the best nourishment for qi, blood, brain puzzle can also whitening the skin smooth, ruddy face, wrinkle spot removers.

Blackcurrant: Blackcurrant is rich in sugars, organic acids, vitamins, active substances, rich in minerals and special aromatic ingredients that can clean and wake up tired skin, and promote the excitement of the muscles, skin luster is established.

Grape: Cosmetic effect of grape vine is extremely diversified. First, its grape polyphones (Polyphones) has antioxidant, can block the proliferation of free radicals, effective anti-aging; and grape stone can soften the skin, moisturizing the skin. In addition, the grape pulp contains vitamin B3, and rich in minerals, can be deep moisture, anti-aging skin cells and promote rehabilitation.

Kiwi: Kiwi is rich in vitamins than A, C and E, and potassium, magnesium and fiber, but also other fruits containing rare natural nutrients such as amino acids and inositol, can penetrate and nourish the skin deeply and effectively repair damaged skin, there is help inhibit melanin growth and prevent freckles, has a whitening effect.

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