Tomatoes, a Good Friend of Man

Foods & Drinks

  • Author Serena Du
  • Published November 5, 2010
  • Word count 406

Tomatoes, a good friend of man

As long as a man to wish they were in the toilet when a powerful jet of water, not dripping, just like a faucet will not shut tight, awkward small trickle. Flirt to your lower body, and the rest of my life to the happiness of His wife, the new man of you, why do not eat tomatoes?

"Journal of the National Cancer Research Center," the latest research report pointed out that if three or more eat tomatoes, green cauliflower, cabbage, these fruits and vegetables, men can effectively reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer by nearly half.

Research Center researcher Fred He Jinsen 1230 40-64 year old male for study, half of which is normal, the other half is suffering from prostate cancer patients. To understand these people's intake of fruits and vegetables related to sex and disease, but also back to the eating habits of three to five years ago to track.

Clinical experience has shown that men in this age are less likely to develop prostate cancer, so more accurately predict the food choices and the prevention of diseases related to sex.

The results showed that 15% of respondents eat three or more fruits and vegetables, and fruits and vegetables every day people who eat a contrast, the risk of prostate cancer as much as 48% risk reduction. For more than a week to eat three green cauliflower, cabbage, people, and eat a green week, cauliflower, cabbage people contrast, the risk of prostate cancer risk decreased by 41%.

The researchers believe that plants in plant nutrients and special factors that help the body eliminate waste more effectively work, so help reduce the cancer causing toxins remain in the body of the time; but to note that, if the plant The special ingredients to be refined and purified into a healthy food to take shape, may not be able to play the original plant growth regulator effects of physiological functions.

This research is funded by the National Institutes of Health. The researchers suggest that if you want to use fruits and vegetables to prevent prostate cancer health effects, try the following "anti-cancer diet":

  1. Breakfast, drink a glass of tomato juice.

  2. Lunch, eat a bowl with carrots, cabbage, cauliflower or green salad or boiled vegetables.

  3. Dinner, eat a bean, or a change to eat whole grains brown rice.

  4. When hungry, ready to eat a little radish, tomato, not fat, but also prevent cancer.

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