What color of fruit would eat for lose weight

Health & FitnessWeight-Loss

  • Author Serena Du
  • Published November 19, 2010
  • Word count 740

What color of fruit would eat for lose weight

Fruit is not only necessary for the body of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients can provide a rich nutrition; these different colors have different chemical functions. Understanding of the color characteristics of fruits, you need a reasonable choice of food, lose weight on the pursuit of the beauty's health is very good.


Representatives of orange fruit are lemon, mango, oranges, papayas, persimmons, pineapple, orange, etc., which contain natural antioxidants β-carotene.

This is by far the most effective anti-virus activity of the composition, can improve the body's immune function. The orange citrus fruits in the efficacy of anti-cancer factors as well, its effect may be stronger than β-carotene. In addition, as the heart protective factor, commonly found in green leafy vegetables in the vitamin c and folic acid, in the yellow fruits are also very rich.

Fruit is not only necessary for the body of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients can provide a rich, these different colors have different chemical functions. Understanding of the color characteristics of fruits, you need a reasonable choice of food, lose weight on the pursuit of the mm's health is very good.

Red fruit

Red fruits, including tomatoes, pomegranate, with its roots as a carotenoid, has antioxidant effects. Can eliminate free radicals, inhibit cancer cell formation and improves the body immunity. In addition, since most of the heat contained in the red fruit is very low, so people can eat healthy and figure to be light.

Fruit is not only necessary for the body of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients can provide a rich, these different colors have different chemical functions. Understanding of the color characteristics of fruits, you need a reasonable choice of food, lose weight on the pursuit of the mm's health is very good.

Purplish black fruit

Purplish black fruit can eliminate eye fatigue with proanthocyanidins, this component can enhance the elasticity of blood vessels to prevent the accumulation of cholesterol, prevent cancer and atherosclerosis is the best ingredients. The representatives of fruit are grapes, blackberries, blueberries and plums. Than light-colored fruits, purple fruits contain more vitamin c, can increase the body's resistance.

In addition, the purplish black fruit, potassium, magnesium, calcium and mineral content is also higher than normal fruit, organic salts of these ions mostly exist in the form of fruit which the maintenance of the body's ion balance has a crucial role.

Fruit is not only necessary for the body of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients can provide a rich, these different colors have different chemical functions. Understanding of the color characteristics of fruits, you need a reasonable choice of food, lose weight on the pursuit of the mm's health is very good.

Green fruit

Green fruit, such as green apples contain lutein or zeaxanthin, and their antioxidant effects enable the retina from damage, a protective role in vision.

In addition to colors, our choice of fruit, you should also consider their own constitution. Body heat are advised to Chili, bananas, watermelons, melons and other fruits and cold side; the physical side of the cold are advised to taste lychees, longan, cherry, chestnut, etc.; myocardial infarction, stroke patients should eat bananas, oranges, peaches and other help digestion fruit, should not eat persimmons, apples and other fruits contain more tannic acid; coronary heart disease, high blood lipids of patients Yichi hawthorn, citrus, grapefruit and other vitamin c and nicotinic acid fruits, can reduce blood fat and cholesterol.

Fruit is not only necessary for the body of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients can provide a rich, these different colors have different chemical functions. Understanding of the color characteristics of fruits, you need a reasonable choice of food, lose weight on the pursuit of the mm's health is very good.

Green fruit

Green fruit, such as green apples contain lutein or zeaxanthin, and their antioxidant effects enable the retina from damage, a protective role in vision.

In addition to colors, our choice of fruit, you should also consider their own constitution. Body heat are advised to Chili, bananas, watermelons, melons and other fruits and cold side; the physical side of the cold are advised to taste lychees, longan, cherry, chestnut, etc.; myocardial infarction, stroke patients should eat bananas, oranges, peaches and other help digestion fruit, should not eat persimmons, apples and other fruits contain more tannic acid; coronary heart disease, high blood lipids of patients Yichi hawthorn, citrus, grapefruit and other vitamin c and nicotinic acid fruits, can reduce blood fat and cholesterol.

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Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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