Why do sports travels will bring chocolate?

Health & FitnessExercise & Meditation

  • Author Serena Du
  • Published November 6, 2010
  • Word count 375

Why do sports travels will bring chocolate?

"University of Zurich and the American University School of Medicine New research shows that dark chocolate can significantly improve endothelial function, and vascular endothelial damage and dysfunction is the development of atherosclerosis, the initiating part."

This is the message recently in chocolate Center held "favorite chocolate reasons" event, Peking University Third Hospital, Institute of Sports Medicine, Dr. Chang Qing Cui introduction.

Dr. Chang said that chocolate contains calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper and other minerals beneficial to human body, known as flavonoids, polyphenols are the core health component of chocolate, polyphenols antioxidant effect, which exists in some common plant foods, such as cocoa, tea, soy, red wine, vegetables and fruits, giving the unique charm of the ingredients of chocolate is cocoa beans, compared with other foods, cocoa beans and more particularly high phenolic content. The polyphenols in chocolate can also extend the human body other antioxidants such as vitamin E, vitamin C, reaction time, and can promote blood vessel dilation, reduce inflammation and reduce blood clot formation, which play a role in the prevention of cardiovascular disease.

For many people concerned about "eating chocolate will not cause obesity" problem, said Dr. Chang, a 47 grams of chocolate per person per day normally about 10% of total energy intake, energy balance in healthy conditions, eating chocolate does not cause obesity.

More than 95% of obese people is due to overeating and lack of exercise-induced, that is, energy intake exceeds energy consumption, so that excess energy in the body into fat storage. So, for those who like to eat chocolate wants to maintain the standard weight of the people, the best way is through regular exercise to maintain energy balance.

In addition, chocolate, or sports and travel, he added the ideal of energy and nutrition foods.

Movement and travel in the body will consume a lot of energy, if not added, it will have a negative impact on the body. Sports Nutrition research shows that before the exercise the chocolate add to the body's energy to muscle and liver glycogen in the full state, and thus help to improve athletic performance. In the campaign, chocolate, who can replenish the energy consumed in the movement, is conducive to the recovery of the body.

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Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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