Carp Fishing Bait Tips For Readymade And Homemade Baits To Sky Rocket Your Catches Right Now!

Sports & RecreationsHobbies

  • Author Tim Richardson
  • Published December 1, 2010
  • Word count 1,416

Grab the attention of your fish right now! As autumn moves into winter fish feeding habits naturally change towards more protein orientated feeding we can seriously exploit this preference in our unique favour to catch many more fish or that special fish we wish to been target. Find out how protein in specially boosted readymade baits and super-potent homemade baits can really sky-rocket your autumn catches now!

So many of you get the completely mistaken idea that all you need to be successful for ever is a good bait recipe! Well fish are dynamically adjusting individuals and will not tolerate getting hooked too many times on the same bait. Many fish are particularly wary of prior threats such as familiar baits and certainly will not tolerate getting hooked any particular bait any more than even once. Such situations are well known yet far too many anglers pin all their hopes on a wonder bait or the next big thing in the angling media.

The fact is that to constantly keep ahead of fish what you need is to understand fish internally and externally in terms of how they detect bait substances in water and what these substances do to water and to fish bodies and senses and sensitivities to them. Armed with the bigger picture you can very easily keep ahead of fish caution continuously forever and apply new baits to fish literally all the time, baits that fish have the least bit reason to be wary of thus maximizing your chances of success!

How many anglers continue to use the most popular readymade baits expecting miracles when already too many fish have become aware of them as a threat and not a new food opportunity? By the time the average angler get onto a new readymade bait in all likelihood the fish in his lake have already become wary of it; that is the sad truth! This is exactly why homemade baits can very easily out fish readymade baits even if they are not particularly good ones! But particularly potent homemade baits really do have incredibly potent unique competitive advantages over readymade baits and per fish caught genuinely can cost less! I have done the figures on this in my own fishing since using readymade baits and readymade base mixes right back into the 1970s so I know this is the truth. Yet how many anglers today admit such truths? Well they do not because the vast majority are plugging readymade baits for maximum profits!

I prefer to disperse valuable information that will catch anglers more fish not catch anglers attention to buy bait for profit. At most I spread the word about how to design and make your own super potent homemade baits by knowing why and how fish actually detect bait substances, what bait substances do to fish and actually just as importantly, what bait substances whether dry or liquid do in terms of reacting or not with water!

So what about baits most ideal for the autumn and the period leading into early winter? Fish naturally assimilate protein foods and process them to an incredibly advanced degree. Why is this? This is because if you study all the possible natural foods available to carp you will find that carbohydrate foods are not exactly their major food source; but protein foods certainly are. Humans are the opposite and our major source of nutrition in most cultures around the world in the vast majority of diets is basically from carbohydrate foods like rice, cereals and grains and seeds like maize. We differ from carp in very many ways including our bodies expend energy supporting our frames as we walk against the forces of gravity which are at their strongest nearest the surface of the earth. Up the top of a mountain gravity has less pull on you so in effect you weigh fractionally less!

Now you realize that fish depend to a great degree on protein foods present in their environment what is it used for? Is it just for growth and repair and vital internal processes? Well no, it can be used for all kinds of things aside from this, including for energy at times when stored energy in the form of fat, stored glycogen, fatty acids circulating in the blood etc are in short supply etc. But through the year a succession of protein-rich foods are consumed by carp, from spring algae and zooplankton and fish fry and insect larvae and fly hatches etc, to snails, mollusks, bloodworm and other benthic bottom living organisms. Of course carp will feed on aquatic plants and sucrose-rich plant material etc for other nutrition and energy and for example koi in ponds or over populated Australian water channels may well graze bank side grass by sticking their heads out of the water!

Through the year towards winter it might be noticed that many species carp feed on reach maturity ready to reproduce in the spring or at the end of the year, therefore things like bloodworm, shrimps, water snails, insect larvae and so on are big and very highly packed with protein essential for survival of carp through the lean far less food abundant times of winter and early spring.

Figure it out; carp are obviously extremely sensitized through eons of evolution in the presence of their natural foods to be able to detect tiny traces of substances secreted by them. So for instance they can even detect bloodworm hidden in deep thick ammonia laden silt even if these conditions are not ideal they can do this as their senses are so incredibly sensitive.

Now the point I want to make about protein in baits here is that it is not for me about feeding up fish so they grow big, but for me the only point of proteins in a bait is to supply the exact forms and combinations of proteins that attract fish and trigger intensive feeding responses that inevitably lead to optimum conditions for hooking as many fish as possible as fast as possible as efficiently as possible, while being well aware of accounting for the health and wellbeing of fish. In fact the health and wellbeing of fish is a gigantic clue to how to design baits optimized to catch them because when that is your starting point then fish naturally follow!

Protein in boilies and pellets especially are often represented by fish meal type ingredients, but they can be so many other materials and substances that it really is amazing! They can contain no familiar sources of protein whatsoever! This is where designing and making homemade or readymade baits is an art form not just a science. If I suggest that proteins that seriously potently attract fish and trigger fish feeding basically are best in soluble form then you have a very big clue as to how to create great carp baits and baits ideal for autumn time going into winter and beyond!

My take on it is to design on the basis of soluble protein rich substances first as the core of the bait that provides huge concentrations of feed-triggering amino acids. Do this and making successful baits for any time of year gets much simpler, except that for cold water you are best balancing baits out far more with non protein rich substances which will not instantly satisfy the hunger of fish but ideally will pass through fish very fast indeed without filling them up; so massively improving chances of further feeding and more fish hooked! Of course baits with low protein which contain high levels of flavours take their share of fish but such baits are seriously enhanced if they are high protein too!

Energy from oils is a very important part of autumn baits too. So this is part of the success equation too. Relatively few anglers exploit cod liver oil for instance, or toasted sesame seed oil. Many just go for halibut pellet oil or hemp oil or tiger nut oil, but it can very definitely pay you to be different. I have had fantastic catches autumn using sweet garlic oil plus high protein ingredients for instance. It is amazing what seriously effective alternative and unique oils you can very easily produce at home! Revealed in my unique readymade bait and homemade bait carp and catfish bait secrets ebooks is far more powerful information look up my unique website (Baitbigfish) and see my biography below for details of my ebooks deals right now!

By Tim Richardson.

Now why not seize this moment to improve your catches for life with these unique fishing and bait secrets bibles: BIG CARP FLAVOURS FEEDING TRIGGERS AND CARP SENSES EXPLOITATION SECRETS! BIG CARP AND CATFISH BAIT SECRETS! And BIG CARP BAIT SECRETS! For these and more vital information NOW VISIT: Home of the worldwide proven homemade and readymade bait success secrets bibles series and bait secrets articles!

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