Network Marketing Success Requires The Telephone

BusinessMarketing & Advertising

  • Author Alicia Kellon
  • Published December 7, 2010
  • Word count 615

If you are going to have any hope in succeeding at network marketing you will need to be a good closer. What this means is that you know how to ask for a sale in a way that makes people agree to what you have proposed. You can do this on the phone if you like. Imagining calling prospects on the phone may send you into a cold, terrifying sweat, but there is a story you have to know about before you give up before you have gotten started. One top network marketer got into the habit of looking at what his fellow marketers were not doing in their businesses. What he noticed was that most people are not succeeding. He took the lessons he learned and decided that he would not do what they were doing to see if he could make his business work better than they were making theirs work.

In order to find out exactly how his competititors in his company were dealing with their prospects, the top network marketer pretended to be a prospect and gave them his phone number. He discovered that only one or two of the people he contacted were willing to call him back. This is the clue that told him he had to begin to call his leads because that is what his competitors were not doing so he called every lead who gave him their phone numbers and turned them into customers more often than his competititors were doing. There's no reason that this cannot be something that will work for you in your network marketing business.

It does not please a lot of people to have to make phone calls. But, it looks as though this is what is required if you hope to build a downline for your network marketing business. Just imagine being the top earner in your company; that can happen if you are willing to make phone calls to prospects. But there is one way that you can screw this up and that is by moving too fast. Because you are inexperienced you have the greatest chance of making mistakes at the very first meeting. When you call this person you cannot ask them to pay $500, for example, to begin in your business. Asking for that amount of money will require a little getting to know you time.

Our top internet marketer from above compared asking for the sale too quickly to proposing marriage. Would you walk up to a stranger and say, "You are the one I've been looking for all my life. Will you marry me?" Undoubtedly, no. Well, this is what you are doing when you ask someone to join your network marketing business before you have been formally introduced. The best case scenario before you ask someone to marry you is to know that person. This is what you have to do before you try to sign someone up, but in the meantime you can take the opportunity to monetize your list with useful products that are a lot less costly than the network marketing opportunity. This will help you build a relationship with the new prospect.

A phone call is what starts the whole process of closing. At this point you are not proposing marriage but slowly getting to know them by offering less costly and useful products, not your network marketing business. No matter who you are 95% of the people who are introduced to a business like yours do not join. This is why it is a good idea to sell something more than just your network marketing business so that you can have something to sustain you while you build your downline.

Network marketing requires that there be a downline of other network marketers who are duplicating your efforts. Learn how to increase your successes in your network marketing business by using the telephone by reading A. D. Kellon's blog.

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