Must be known when outdoor sports----several preventive measures

Travel & LeisureOutdoors

  • Author Cody Beach
  • Published December 16, 2010
  • Word count 992

In the wild, very bad living environment, all kinds of disaster will be unexpected. Survivors on the field, the time to understand the plight of their own to inform others, and seek relief, is essential.

For help when in distress, through a variety of ways to get in touch with others. Signals sufficient to attract attention. Meanwhile, according to their own circumstances and the surrounding environmental conditions, given the different distress signals. Under normal circumstances, the actions are repeated three times a symbol for assistance.

Fire Signals

Discharge of three groups of flame is the internationally accepted distress signal, will be put into the fire triangle are equal intervals between each stack is ideal, this arrangement is also easy to ignite. If the fuel scarcity or their own serious condition, or because of hunger, excessive weakness, scrape together enough for three reactor fire, then lit a pile of crude is required.

Remember, sometimes impossible to make all of the signal fire burning all day, this case should stand ready to make the fuel to keep dry, if there is any aircraft passing through to seek help as soon as ignited.

Easy to burn the fuel to the fire, lit to burn quickly, because some of the opportunities fleeting, white birch bark is a very good fuel. Conditions, then you can use gasoline, but can not be dumped gasoline on the fire, and with some material to do with the wick, soaked in gasoline, and then heap on fuel, petrol tank and then moved to a safe place lit the fire about to Add gasoline out, make sure to add in the absence of sparks or embers of the fuel, or deflagration flame will hurt themselves.

During the day, the smoke is a good locator, add some green grass on fire, leaves, moss and fern will produce smoke, smoke after launch in stark contrast with the surrounding environment, vulnerable people pay attention. In fact, everything of any smoke wet, wet mats, cushion can smoke for a long time, while insects are difficult to approach wounding. At night, put some dry wood to make fire vigorously, so that the fire increases.

In addition, the black smoke in the snow or the desert, the most eye-catching, rubber and gasoline to produce black smoke.

If affected by meteorological conditions, smoke can float near the surface can increase the fire, warm air upward trend that the more violent, will carry the smoke to a considerable height.

Body showed signals

When searching for the aircraft when close, hands waving significantly greater color contrast with the surrounding environment, the clothing, the meaning of the expression of distress.

Semaphore signal

Color of a flag or a piece of cloth tied Liang Yan stick, the holding rod movement, the left dash, on the right dash, increase range of motion, so "8" campaign.

If the two sides closer, do not do "8" campaign. A simple rowing motion can, once in the left side of dash, a short program in the right time, with the former should be slightly longer than the latter.

Sound signals

If every get close, you can cry or beat with a wooden trunk, there will be more obvious life-saving role in post, three short three long, short sound over and over again, repeat after 1 minute intervals.

Reflective signal

Use sunlight and a mirror to shoot the signal light. Can be of any use of bright material, such as canned food lid, glass, a platinum piece, a mirror, of course even better. Laws of reflection will continue to generate a long-term and a dot, which is a kind of Morse code. Even if you do not know Morse code, free albedo, may also be compelling. In any case, at least should have a SOS code.

Even from very far away can also detect a reflected light signal, even if you do not know want to contact the target position, it is worth a lot of temptations, and its practice is a breeze. Note that looking around the sky, if the aircraft near to quickly reflected signal light. Rescue workers may make such dazzling light, so once they had been found to determine, should stop immediately reflect light.

Landmarks signal

In the relatively open ground, such as grass, beach, snow can make the ground sign. Certain signs, such as the grass cut into patterns, or stamped in the snow for help flag, also used the branches, seaweed and other makes up flag signal in contact with air. You can also use the unified regulations of international civil aviation air-ground contact symbols shown below. Remember these words: SOS (distress), SEND (send), DOCTOR (Doctor), HELP (help), INJURY (injured),FOOD (lunch), TRAPPED (launch), LOST (lost), WATER (water).

Leave a message

When leaving the dangerous, the signal to leave some things to prepare for that rescuers can find. Ground signals so that rescuers can understand your physical location or the location of the past, help them find directions marked the path of your actions. Standard instructions to keep left along the way, it can not only search and rescue personnel to make, in their wish to return, it will not get lost-if lost the way, and found no want to go the route, it can become a wizard.

Direction indicator, including:

  1. Will be put into a piece of rock or gravel Arrow.

  2. Will stick support in the tree branches, the top of the pointing direction of action.

  3. Juancao tied the knot in the upper part, so the top curved direction of action.

  4. On the ground put a fork in the branch, with the bifurcation point of action.

  5. With a large heap of small stones, small rocks at the edge came alive again in a point of action.

  6. With a deep notch in the trunk of the arrow that action.

  7. Crossbones means that being the case stick or stone.

  8. With three pieces of rock, stick or brush to convey the meaning clear signal that danger or emergency.

love climbing If the fuel scarcity or their own serious condition, or because of hunger, excessive weakness, scrape together enough for three reactor fire, then lit a pile of crude is required.

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