Learning To Defend Yourself Through A Fighting DVD


  • Author Teresa Bernard
  • Published December 21, 2010
  • Word count 566

Having some basic self-defense moves is always beneficial. Because of rising crime rates present in our culture, the best way to guard yourself and family is to possess some level of self-defense skills. Possessing the ability to defend yourself will not only be beneficial in stopping an assault, it could also help to save your life or that of another.

Basic self-defense techniques are important for everyone to know. You never know when you may be called upon to defend yourself or your family. Self-defense is best learned while studying under a qualified instructor. However, if no such instructors are available or affordable, it is possible to learn many basic self-defense techniques at home with training videos.

Instructional DVD's offer training at home, at your own pace and repetition that cannot be matched in any other method of training. Another advantage is cost. Home study DVDs make an affordable way to learn the skills you desire.

Watching instructional DVDs is an excellent way to learn how to fight. And if you are a woman, they are great for self-defense too. Women will find that having this skill will help improve their sense of control over every situation. This increases sense of control quickly turns into more confidence. Showing self-confidence is vital because most attackers select their prey based upon how they carry themselves.

There are some excellent instructional self-defense DVDs available on the market. These courses will teach you learn how to defend yourself and can easily be purchased online and delivered to your front door. You will want to keep a few things in mind when you make your selection. Such as for a self-defense video to make a real impact, it must give you techniques that you can learn quickly and easily and you must understand what you are watching. This is key because when learning from a self-defense video, you may not have a partner to practice with.

Better quality self defense DVDs will cover topics such as the following: awareness training, gun and knife defenses, ways to be released from common attack holds, defenses from punching attacks, defenses against multiple assailants, and other significant factors of self defense. Many of these type DVDs will even instruct you on street fighting techniques as well. Instructors featured on these DVDs are experts in their field. They will take through the self-defense moves step-by-step teaching you how to effectively defend yourself against thugs, sex offenders, muggers and other crooks intent on doing you harm.

Following is a list of popular fighting DVDs where you can learn some of the best fighting techniques available.

  • Dale Comstock's "American Combat Karate"

  • Delta Seal Camp - Elite Combat Course

  • Jim West's "Fight To Win"

  • Paul Vunak's "Street Safe"

  • Vladimir Vasiliev's "Russian Fighting System"

Once you look at all of the benefits of using self defense videos, it is no surprise that more people are turning to them. They are extremely inexpensive compare to traditional classes, they are very easy to use, and you can have access to them regardless of where you are. Whether you are a woman, student, teenager, young or old, there is an instructional fighting DVD that is compatible for you. Individuals from different walks of life can learn self-defense from one, provided that they are willing to spend time required. Even you can safely and easily learn to defend yourself with the right educational DVD.

To learn more about fighting dvds and other women's self defense products like pepper spray, then visit a1selfdefenseproducts.com.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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