Build a Professional Looking Website Easily at Homestead

Computers & Technology

  • Author Kari Farmer
  • Published January 13, 2011
  • Word count 693

Many people have no idea where to start when they want to build a website. Trying to make an attractive looking website can be a daunting task. But there are places, like Intuit's Homestead Websites, that make it so easy - even your grandmother could do it! Whether you want to start a website for a business about natural health or accounting, or if you just want to start a personal website; they make website building easy for you.

Homestead websites offers over 2000 templates to choose from! They will have a template that pertains to whatever your website is about. Categories for the templates include animated, business, services, restaurants, clubs, personal, music, and more. Of course in those categories there are different sub-categories to choose from. For instance, the personal category has templates for family, babies, weddings, and more.

Each template comes with about 5 pre-made pages that are filled with example information. These pages are usually titled home, about us, services, contact us, and testimonials. All of the headers and information is also filled in with example writing pertaining to your template choice. Even related pictures are put into place for you. If you like the way it is laid out for you then all you have to do is change the information to your own personal information.

You can even rename the title of the pages to your liking. You may want to rename services to recipes if you are starting a website about your restaurant. Or you may want to change testimonials to your Maui vacation pictures if you are starting a personal website about yourself.

Once you pick your template and start to build your website then you will have to download their site builder. This is where you build your website from, save your website files to, and where you can access your account information from quickly - conveniently all in once place.

The site builder is extremely user-friendly. Adding an image, video, or even social networking buttons is as easy as clicking on the related icon, placing it where you want, and adding the image or information you want inside of it.

One of the great things about homestead is that you can choose an image from their gallery or from your computer right from the site builder. Their gallery has unique pictures related to anything you can think of when it comes to images. All you have to do is type in what you are looking for and it will give you pages of results related to the query. Once you pick your image all you have to do is click on it and add it, and it places the image on your page for you. Then you can easily link your image to your page for keyword search engine optimization.

Adding title tags, meta tags, and more advanced tags is easily done by clicking on the page info icon and filling in the blanks. This makes search engine optimization easy at is tells you the guidelines for how many characters are allowed for your tags, and fills it in the right place for you once you publish your page and website.

The site builder offers many more needed and fun tools for your site besides just pictures, videos and meta tags. It offers various text options, graphic options, media options, navigation menus, HTML placement, logo options, social networking options, communication avenues, forms and polls, location tools like mapquest, time and weather tools, ecommerce tools, as well as many fun and personal things you may want to use for your personal website.

This is just scratching the surface of how user-friendly this website builder is. There are many other tools that you will find useful in building your website and making it look and feel exactly how you want it to. Building a unique website is not a problem with all the different options available to you.

If you are looking for a place to help you build your website I recommend you check out homestead and see the ease and professionalism of it for yourself.

Learn more about building your website with homestead by clicking here.

Learn more about building your website with homestead by clicking here.

Kari is the owner of Choose To Make Money Online. Her website talks about different ways to make money online.

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