10 Tips to A Successful Blind Date

Social IssuesDating

  • Author Cherry Xu
  • Published January 25, 2011
  • Word count 701

Many people think that blind date is a very backward way of generating love . Therefore, many young people reluctant to have a blind date which is arranged by their parents and friends, and they do not want to know more about each other.

When love can’t generate through some common ways .So blind date is really a good way to find love. Like a saying goes: "All roads lead to Rome", for the happiness of love, no matter which way you choose, as long as you can find your own happiness that is the real objective. Blind date is just a way to find love. Maybe you will encounter with someone then falling love with him or her, but maybe you will marriage him or her through a blind date. So let us know something for a successful blind date.

Blind date: The most important first impression, the feeling to each other things will affect the success or failure! First of all clothing clean and decent and generous, behavior consistent with their status instrument qualifications, not contrived, not too casual. Speak appropriately, please do not deliberately, not to mention the number of people hear the words of nausea. The first pay out more from the man, not too mean that people will think you are not reliable, there is no sincerity. But do not be too wasteful to spend money, they meet their own consumption level just fine. The first time out, the woman will move AA, do not agree, stick to their guests, this is one way they test you. AA system the first time, then they will think you are stingy, look down on you, but also pay attention to being cheated, and if the first time out to ask you to luxury place to eat something, this woman is not sincere, there are things that can be directly , turned down. The first time you ask her out to dinner, if she thought you good, you will be the second time out. This blind is half the battle it!

Notes blind date

First: clothing should be clean, this is certain, even if you do not dress up, you will dress up your family and friends, or not let you go out.

Second: Beware of little things, because two people are strange, so every detail will be a factor in the other study. 8Q

Third: try to avoid things that money on, for example, or other style that you're not stingy. And you do not know what the other person is, so to avoid it, try to make a third party to pay the bill. Or go to the park, do not walk to places to spend money blind.

Fourth: Do not say bad words Oh, mantra should pay attention to bad habits.

Fifth: Do not be nervous, have a contempt for all the psychological, should the other party as paper tigers. This height of the stand. Are psychologically defeated the other.

Sixth: Do not brag on the other side, cattle can blow, when can, but do not blow this time, blowing down to God, when cattle are content Zazhuo themselves.

Seventh: humorous, OK? Girls meet boys humor, usually to laugh, the atmosphere was not so nervous. Please before you go blind, try to remember a joke a few relatively healthy, not yellow piece ah, remember to remember.

Article: Note to laugh when the girls to be naughty smile, or a gentle smile, a smile, ah, do not open mouth, laughing ha ha, so easy to spray the liquid into the mouth of the other's face.

Ninth: Most guys like the gentle, naughty, cute girl. Most girls like mature, humorous, crisp man. When you analyze yourself to the other side just fine.

Tenth: girls encountered do not love to laugh, but be careful, that are generally blind master ah, so easy to fake a man was found. Or the other is a very deep hurt by men and women. So as far as possible to the performance of different point, if you like each other, we might come to a difficult performance, this is hard.

This ten tips will benefit you a lot. Wish you a successful blind date.

Wear the Cartier bracelet when you have a blind date will make you become more beautiful. Let us have a try.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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