Live Up to Your New Year Expectations With Pigeon Forge Ziplines

Travel & LeisureOutdoors

  • Author Michael Holsing
  • Published February 3, 2011
  • Word count 525

It is that time of year when many Americans will begin to reflect on their lives over the past year, or in all years past, and come to certain realizations about the person they have become.

This is a wonderful time for many people because it brings with it hope of change, of doing better, of becoming a better person. January 1 often marks the beginning of something new – something other than a calendar. On the list of the ten most commonly expressed New Year’s Resolutions, there are five that Pigeon Forge Ziplines could assist with, so wouldn’t it seem that this would be a great place to visit in the coming year?

Get in Shape This is the number one resolution, which makes a lot of sense in a time when this country is facing an unbelievable rate of obesity.

At Pigeon Forge Ziplines, a person can get exercise without even knowing it. There is so much fun to be had that a person won’t even realize that he or she has walked miles, has practiced breathing techniques, and has worked many different muscle groups.

This is a great, new, and exciting way to get out, to get moving, and to get on with this number one of all New Year’s Resolutions.

Get Out of Debt Another big concern for many Americans as they start a new year is money. Whether the goal is to make more money, spend less money, or simply to better budget what he or she already has, it seems that one is simply inclined to have regrets about the green stuff. If this is your resolution this year, then it might be time to step back and reconsider your vacation plans.

Rather than spending wads of cash to buy tickets to an amusement park, only so you can spend even more inside the gates, why not consider ziplining? Comparatively it costs far less, but still provides the fun, the thrill, and the time for families to be together.

Stop Smoking It is a big one and it is certainly not easy, but one of the greatest ways to keep the cigarette from your mouth is to keep it from your mind.

While ziplining, not only will you be breathing fresh air to help repair those aching lungs, but you will also be too busy thinking about all of the fun you are having to stop and consider having a smoke.

Spend More Time with Family As was stated before, ziplining does provide a great time for families to spend together, so if this is your number one objective in 2011 then Pigeon Forge Ziplines is a great place to start.

Give More If your only real objective for the coming year is to give more to others, then you too can find what you are looking for here. Give the gift of a fun filled day to family or friends or give a bit more of yourself by sharing the experience with co-workers.

These are just a handful of the reasons that this sport and that this place especially has been rewarding visitors each and every day.

Come join us for fun at Pigeon forge ziplines at Adventure Park Five Oaks or visit

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