Heroes of the Helpless


  • Author Jeremy Smith
  • Published February 19, 2011
  • Word count 467

Because preparation is such an integral part of achieving a successful outcome, great lengths should be taken to make something’s beginning secure and strong. A child, in order to not only survive life, but to adequately adjust to any curveballs it encounters throughout its life, must have an intentional upbringing - an upbringing that consists of specific qualities and experiences. Across the globe, cultures have varied ideas of what those may be, but social spectators and physiologists claim that a child needs love and standards to be held to, along with the basic necessities of life like food, water, and shelter. Often the simplest of these needs are denied many children across the world. In third-world countries and even in our most affluent nations, children suffer dire lifestyles of filth and poverty, abuse, abandonment, and violence. As innocent living-fatalities, these children must endure the mistakes of adults: their addictions, appetites, and weaknesses.

Children’s charities the whole world over strive to stop or at least lessen the effects of the strangulating circumstances that many children are brought up in. World hunger organizations encourage nations to implement school lunch programs in impoverished areas, to add hygiene implementation and classes through schools, to educate parents to bring healthy lifestyles to their homes. Hospitals and other health care facilities cannot hold the number of disease ridden infants and children, neither do they have adequate staff to keep up with the inflow of patients.

Knowing the brutality of the situation for many children, it is unfair for those who have but the slightest to spare to turn away from helping where they can. Christians were taught by the example of the Savior to serve even "the least" of their brethren, to care for the little children… "For such is the kingdom of God." To help a child, whether it is by physically caring for their needs or emotionally or spiritually nourishing them, is one of the most valuable acts we can accomplish. To see a child’s eyes light with love and gratitude fills the heart with a peaceful sense of rightness. Often we fail to give to those who beg or who we judge to be unworthy, but every kind act towards a child is never a waste or failure. You do not know what effect even one deed will have on the life of such an impressionable being.

Sacrifice, the sweetest element of gospel living – sacrifice out of love, out of necessity to help your fellowmen. Donate, give of your time, your energy, your talents; to investing in an ever profitable investment. It is the most valid and rewarding work you can perform to save a life and strengthen a soul. Train up a child in the way he should go, and he will not depart from it."

The author is a freelance journalist who regularly writes on behalf of organizations who support child charity. He also supports child sponsorship programs and sponsors a child.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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