The Special K Diet Challenge, does it Make Sense

Health & FitnessWeight-Loss

  • Author Kenneth Ford
  • Published February 18, 2011
  • Word count 785

The Special K Diet Challenge, does it Make Sense

Its not uncommon to have heard of, seen or taken the Special K Diet Challenge.

In today's information technology environment, there seems to be an unending parade of miracle cure diets available, both on and off line.In the interest of maintaining a neutral stance, I am neither supporting nor decrying any particular diet plan at this point, I feel that it is a positive step to identify a healthy diet plan, because the health hazards represented by the presence of obesity, are not a positive influence on your quality of life.

The human body has a requirement to ingest many different nutritional components, we are not designed to eat from just one food group. You must attempt to keep a balanced diet, using proper portions of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, and fiber in addition, to help digestion.You also need to maintain an adequate level of minerals, with the most important being calcium and magnesium.

Consuming a bit of fat in your diet is not as much of an issue as some prognosticators would have you believe.The fat in your body is not a direct result of the fat that is consumed, but rather of the failure to use up the calories ingested as energy.Because of this fact, the initiation of a physical exercise routine is extremely vital.There is a degree of fat content in foods like banana and peanuts, but they are not evil because of the fat content they contain.It is important that you learn to distinguish between the types of fat, the fat in Virgin Olive Oil will not lead to high cholesterol and weight gain, like the ingestion of a great deal of animal fat will.

It does not matter where you grocery shop in America or what commercial television that you watch, If you have any awareness whatsoever,you will be subjected to the promotional efforts of Kellogg,and the Special K challenge will be visibleThe Special K diet Challenge is a based on Kellogg's effort to encourage the Obese in America to correct the situation by substituting one meal a day with a bowl of Special K cereal, or one of the products created therewith, i e Special K waffles, or Special K protein bars. I find nothing untowards about using the Special K Diet, I would however visit with a practicing nutritionist to make sure that I ingested a balanced and nutritional diet.

Not only is it okay to try the diet, but you will more than likely lose weight using the Special K diet challenge.You would be properly informed however that the reason you are losing weight is not due to some special substance in the cereal, but rather due to the fact that by eating the special k diet products that you will reduce the caloric basis of your diet.if you undertake the "challenge' just be sure to monitor your remaining food consumption carefully.

The Special K Diet Challenge is published as a promotional program on the Kellogg Website.They have done a nice job of polishing their promotion with options to provide assistance in the form of a Special K Diet Challenge buddy, with coaching available as well.Many people find that it is easier to succeed in changing ingrained habits with support of similarly minded dieters.of course many can benefit from the coaching on line which is available as an option,in addition to the email and Facebook support programs that reside there as well.The plan is really very easy for most people to follow,and may even save you time,as it eliminates food prep time for one meal a day,however the most important consideration that we realize, is that common sense suggests a reduction in consumption,and control it by making a better meal plan.

Just as in my other discussions, I need to mention, that starting any diet, may either result in exacerbating an already problematic set of eating habits, even resulting tn the opposite of the result you desired. The simple act of promotion by a large entity, or the sponsorship by a magazines publisher, does not make a diet safe, If you don't exercise caution you may end up less healthy, so make sure that you have consulted with your primary care or specialist physician, prior to commencing any diet plan. Remember, you can eat everything you already eat, you just need to cut that amount down to a reasonable caloric basis, and add exercise to your daily routine, if you take these steps your health will reflect it You can get additional information by visiting EliKen Health and Fitness.

(You may find further information divulged by EliKen at their blog, EliKen Health and Fitness.

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