Life Insurance: How To Know If You Qualify


  • Author Chris Harmen
  • Published April 20, 2011
  • Word count 826

In order to obtain life insurance, one must first answer a number of questions about medical history, current health status, and lifestyle. These questions are all designed to tell the company how much of a risk you are to them, meaning how likely you are to require the use of benefits your plan would provide. The higher risk you are, the higher your life insurance quotes will be, and the harder it will be to find a good policy.

Although finding your ideal policy at your ideal price may be difficult, it's rarely impossible to find some sort of coverage. Instead of giving up, learn about what factors will influence your options, and what choices might be available when all else seems to fail.

Factors That Influence Your Life Insurance Quotes

Your premium is based entirely on two factors: how risky you are determined to be, and how much coverage you want. If either of those two factors is particularly high, you'll see a higher life insurance quote and pay more for your policy. Lowering either factor will lower the cost correspondingly.

Covering Your Coverage

It is rare that you'll be able to lower the amount of coverage you require, assuming that you've worked with a specialist to determine what you actually need. If you have not, that's the first step you should take. Having an inappropriately high amount of benefits costs you more than it should, and is simply unnecessary. However, having inappropriately low benefits is even worse as it can leave your family in distress if they ever lose you. Seek a balance with neither too much benefit nor too little, and it will likely have a correspondingly appropriate cost. A licensed life insurance agent will be able to help you determine the right policy for your needs and can guide you through the application process.

Evaluating And Minimizing Your Risk

Companies evaluate your life insurance quotes based upon how risky they think you are. If you're deemed too risky, some companies may not insure you. However, don't be deterred, as policies exist for virtually everyone. Simply try changing the company you're working with, or perhaps consider a company that looks at policies from a number of different providers.

Although you might just need to look elsewhere, knowing your risk factors and working to control them can be beneficial. Healthy living and responsible choices reflect positively on your profile, and even a small change can have a big impact. Even if the impact to your policy is negligible, you're still getting healthy for the people you love, which is no small thing.

Never Withhold Information On Your Medical Report Forms

Lower risk will yield better life insurance quotes, but you should never lie on any application forms. There is a two year period during which the company is free to contest your information, and may call any part of what you submitted into question. If you are found to have lied either deliberately or accidentally, the company is free to cancel your policy. No amount of savings is worth the possibility of losing your policy completely.

Life Insurance Quotes For Almost Anyone

For most people, obtaining good coverage is not difficult. Most people are able to rely on their good health and relatively young age and know that they won't pay much. Even if you are not among the lucky for whom policies come easily, you can still almost certainly get coverage. In 37 states, there is a policy available that anyone can buy provided that they are between the ages of 40 and 80 and are not currently hospitalized. Although the rates on this plan are not likely to be as favorable as others, it does provide coverage to people who might otherwise find it difficult to obtain.

The key to qualifying for life insurance is simply knowing where to look. You need to find a company that will work with you even if your health is suffering and is willing to take you on despite a slightly higher risk. To ensure that you find the right company, you should work with a licensed agent. Agents have the special knowledge required to help you navigate all the legal issues behind applying for coverage and a good one will have years of experience to draw upon. If you can find someone who works with multiple insurers, your chances of finding a program are much greater. If nothing suitable can be found, don't give up – the bottom line is that most people can find coverage. They simply need to know where to look.

SEEK INDEPENDENT ADVICE. All information expressed in this article is intended to be general information only. You should not rely upon this general information to make legal, tax, investment, estate, or financial planning decisions. No portion of this article is intended to nor does it provide legal, tax, investment, estate or financial planning advice. For this type of advice, you must consult an independent advisor.

Chris Harmen writes for, a leading provider of life insurance for people of all risk levels. No matter what your age, occupation, or health status, Wholesale Insurance will work to provide the best life insurance quotes for you.

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