How To Turkey Hunt: Tips For A Successful Hunt

Travel & LeisureOutdoors

  • Author Chris Harmen
  • Published April 20, 2011
  • Word count 547

Learning how to turkey hunt is rewarding in many ways. Not only do you get to enjoy the outdoors, but your license fees go towards maintaining wildlife habitat and you may very well supply this year’s Thanksgiving guest of honor! The first step is to get the appropriate turkey hunting gear and a license. Each state has somewhat different seasons and laws that can be found online and at most gun shops. As with any other task worth doing, the preparation is half the battle. Collecting your equipment can be done from the convenience of home on your computer and should be done as soon as possible each year.

Turkey Hunting Gear

These magnificent birds are bagged with either a shotgun or a bow. These weapons need to be fitted to you by an expert. It is a good idea to familiarize yourself with your gun patterns at several different distances before you go out in the field. Aside from your weapon, there are many items that will make your hunt more successful. Basic hunting equipment includes the following:

  1. turkey loads

  2. shotgun sling

  3. choke tube (to direct the shot pattern)

  4. box call and extra chalk

  5. gun rest

  6. compass

  7. first aid kit

  8. maps

  9. knife

  10. water bottle or Camelbak

  11. insect repellant

  12. flashlight

  13. binoculars

Other equipment may include a camouflage blind, where legal, decoys, a cushioned seat or stool, camera, trail ribbon, and other types of calls, such as glass, tube, push-pin, wingbone, or diaphragm, just to name a few. It is a good idea to try out various calls to see which one works best for you and then practice to get the right sound and rhythm. There are online resources that can save hunters a significant amount of time and money. This is also true for apparel. To be warm, comfortable, and safe, hunters wear a camouflage shirt, pants, jacket, cap, and even socks. Boots that are both water and snake proof are a good idea, and a rain poncho can come in handy.

Location, Location, Location

Finding the right place to hunt requires scouting a region and then getting the landowner’s permission, if it is private property. Property rights are serious business and should never be ignored or violated. Most thoughtful hunters make a point of giving the landowner a gift of one kind or another in return for their generosity. Information on good wild turkey hunting tips and locations can be found online at the NWTF website.

Wild Turkey Hunting Tips

The hardest part about hunting is waiting. These birds feed on grasses and insects, making fields a likely place to find them. They also roost in trees, so that’s another place to look. Crowding any wild animal is the fastest way to make it disappear. Using your calls judiciously and waiting very, very patiently is often all it takes to bag that prize winning bird. Most are taken during the fall, when toms are chasing after hens. Listening carefully for wild flocks and moving in quietly will get you into position. Knowing your range and aiming ability will help determine just how close you have to get to get that bird!

With these wild turkey hunting tips, the right gear, and a little patience, you can successfully learn how to turkey hunt.

Chris Harmen writes for, an online auction site specializing in turkey hunting gear and other outdoor hobby items. shares these wild turkey hunting tips to help both amateurs and experts alike have a successful hunt.

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