Outdoor Signs Pop Up Displays Or Custom Booths Which Is Right For Your Company

BusinessMarketing & Advertising

  • Author Chris Harmen
  • Published April 20, 2011
  • Word count 589

Trade show exhibits come in an almost infinite variety of sizes and designs. Each of these has its place; some can be used interchangeably, while some fill a very definite niche that few others can replace. Picking the right style for your needs can be difficult, but making a wise decision will boost your company's return on your investment in the long term and ensure that you have a positive convention experience.

Basics Of Outdoor Signs

Outdoor signs have a very clear purpose: they are to be used outside. They are weatherproofed and durable in ways that indoor exhibits are not, and do not need to be. These tough stands are meant to hold up outside, while still conveying your company's message. They are typically smaller than a trade show booth, and aren't used as part of an actual convention (few take place outside.) Instead, outdoor signs are placed on the street to help drive traffic into a storefront, or advertise an event occurring indoors. Depending on your need, you can purchase outdoor signs with a marker board, chalkboard, or interchangeable graphics panel that will allow you to re-customize the unit without purchasing new outdoor signs. There is no reason to use outdoor signs indoors; they will quickly be outshone by even the simplest indoor units. Outdoor units are notable for their durability and their ability to stand up in tough weather.

Pop Up Displays

Pop up displays have a less clearly defined niche than outdoor signs. Pop up displays can come in many sizes, from tabletop scale to freestanding large enough to match any other booth. They can showcase almost anything, and can be combined with podiums or other exhibition add-ons. They are among the most lightweight design styles, which makes them preferable for travelers. Pop up displays can also be used as a supporting addition to a larger unit, perhaps to highlight a new product or to simply create a "booth within a booth" to draw focus and interest. Almost every company could find a use for pop up displays; they are among the most versatile units long term and short term.

Custom Exhibits

Fully customized booths are usually the most expensive units on the market, but can make up for that expense with lead generation. Custom booths are the large exhibits which seem completely different from everything around them; they are designed to stand out, and budget is generally not a major constraint in the brainstorming process. Because these units are a larger investment than pop up displays, they must be considered with much more care. It is generally unwise to invest in a custom unit until you have attended several conventions with a more inexpensive option. Once you see how trade show marketing tactics play out for your company, you can start debating the merits of a custom booth.

The Right Choice For Your Company

The first step to making a good decision is to choose whether you want outdoor signs or indoor booths. This choice is a simple one; just consider where the unit is more likely to be used. If it's outside, you need outdoor signs. If it's indoors, you have more options. The good news is that indoor exhibits are much more forgiving if you choose a style that isn't optimal. You'll still get results, even if you're not getting the absolute best return possible. You'll learn what your company needs and make the right choice next time – and in the meantime, you're still getting the benefit of a strong convention presence.

Chris Harmen writes for Siegel Display Products, offering a full range of exhibits from outdoor signs to pop up displays.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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