Keeping Moisture and Stains Out of Natural Stone with Granite Sealer

HomeHome Improvement

  • Author Kevin Schmiterson
  • Published February 10, 2011
  • Word count 393

You might think that granite sealer is not necessary for maintaining your countertops. Natural stone should not allow moisture to get in. The stone is solid. Well, that is not totally true. On the surface, all natural stone appears solid. But, if you put it under a microscope, you will see that is not totally true. There are tiny holes and fissures in the surface of any natural stone. That is where moisture can get in and leave unsightly stains behind. Without a good sealant in place, your once shiny countertops will start to look dull and the surface will start showing signs of wear and tear.

Granite sealer works to fill in those tiny gaps and holes in the surface of natural stone. It penetrates the surface and hardens. This helps prevent liquids from getting into those tiny holes. The sealer provides a semi-permanent barrier against damage. It also helps prevent microscopic scratching. These aspects of protection help keep the surface looking good. The typical time to apply the sealer is every 12 to 18 months. If you rarely use the countertop, you might push it to 18 months. But, most manufacturers require regular maintenance to insure the surface remains polished.

A granite sealer will not do the work all by itself. You have to use other products in order to keep your natural stone surfaces looking their best. A granite polish is the layer you apply every week or two. This helps lay down another layer of surface protection on top of the sealant. It also brings out the deepest beauty of the stone. For daily cleaning, it is best to use granite cleaner. This special formula will remove dirt without leaving any etching or abrasions behind. Many household cleaners are not a good idea in relationship to granite or other natural stone.

Granite sealer is semi-permanent. But, it does require regular reapplication. The best sign you have to when it needs sealed is when water no longer beads on the surface. But, applying it every twelve to eighteen months is a good way to keep the surface sealed without constantly testing it. You will know that the sealant is there when you accidently spill coffee on the surface and you can get it up with no staining. Make sure you use a top quality sealer in order to maintain your natural stone surfaces.

The investment in your countertops requires one of the best granite sealers in

the business.

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