Advantages of Wearing a WRSI Kayak Helmet

Travel & LeisureOutdoors

  • Author Kayak Helmet
  • Published April 25, 2011
  • Word count 431

A kayak helmet’s primary purpose is protection. When you are out in rough waters, the head should be protected at all times and this is why a kayak helmet is part of the accessories that a person should have together with the protective floatation device.

The basic parts of a kayak helmet consist of three main parts and these are the shell, the foam and the strap. We all know that the shell is the outer portion of the helmet and comes in different colors and design. This is the portion of the helmet that comes into contact with the bottom of the river or rocks should you flip from your kayak. The foam or the inner lining pertains to the inner portion of the kayak helmet that has direct contact with the head. This will absorb the blow transmitted to the shell while keeping your skull protected at all times. The strap keeps the helmet in contact with the head all the time. It consists of the strap, the buckle and the adjustment mechanism.

The style and the external look of a kayak helmet differ and vary from each other but the general kayak helmet styles are of two types. These are the full cut kayak helmets and the half-cut kayak helmets. Full cut kayak helmets are designed in such a way that the ears are protected by the shell portion of the helmet. Half-cut kayak helmets do not have covers for the ears of the paddler. These are more comfortable to wear as there is enough air contact starting from the ear down.

There are also different types of kayak helmets including the WRSI Kayak helmet and specifically, the WRSI current helmet. This type of helmet was developed by Whitewater Research and Safety Institute together with John Hopkins University’s Bloomberg School of Public Health. A WRSI helmet is designed to withstand multiple impacts.

The Current type of WRSI helmet has four layers to be able to withstand multiple impacts and absorb energy. The first layer is the ABS multi-impact plastic shell. The second layer is the EVA foam and has been designed to absorb energy. The third layer contains ABS plastic polyurethane to dissipate energy from the inner shell and the fourth layer is EVA or Ethylene-vinyl acetate to absorb energy.

Another advantage of the WRSI kayak helmet over other kinds of helmet would be the superior retention system. It comprises the O-brace, chinstrap and multiple removable shims. This helps keep the helmet in place. It is adjustable so it can fit the head of any paddler.

The WRSI kayak helmet is comfortable to use and you would not feel any pressure points even after prolonged use in the water. As long as you are able to find the proper adjustment, the WRSI kayak helmet will not rock back and forth on your head. It is designed to absorb any possible impact it may encounter and this will help the paddler a lot because at any given time, you could be hit by hard water, stones or pulled by strong currents.

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