Realizing the Commitment Necessary with Egg Donation in Kansas City


  • Author Kevin Schmiterson
  • Published February 13, 2011
  • Word count 403

What does egg donation in Kansas City mean to couples facing fertility issues? It gives them hope when they thought all hope was lost. Fertility problems can strike any one of any age or social group. Most couples think they can go off birth control and get pregnant within a few months. And most do. However, a few do not. For couples under forty, if they wait a year or two and see no results, they may be dealing with fertility issues. For those over forty, the time frame is usually six months to a year. In either case, they start asking doctors for help.

Before they start querying about egg donation in Kansas City, their doctor is going to try many other options. Many couples have success with getting pregnant with either minor life style changes. If those are not successful, their doctor may recommend seeing a fertility specialist. A fertility specialist will run a battery of tests to see where the problem may lie. It might involve a hormonal imbalance that is interfering with the development of viable eggs or sperm. There might be blockages. In many cases, minor surgery or drug intervention can resolve fertility issues.

However, in a few cases, no amount of surgery or drug intervention can handle a fertility situation. Some women sustain damage to their ovaries because of disease, drug use, or injury. That damage may make their eggs non-viable. In some cases, women may lose their ovaries due to cancer or other issues. When this happens, they do not have the option of using their own eggs to get pregnant. Turning to egg donation in Kansas City is a great way to get around that issue.

Utilizing egg donation in Kansas City is not a decision that many couples come to easily. The thought of using a stranger’s egg instead of their own can cause emotional issues. And many couples have already undergone a wide range of emotions in dealing with the fertility treatments. When they make the decision to use a donated egg, they are making a true commitment to having a family under any circumstances. When a woman donates eggs, she helps them fulfill that commitment. It is an emotional commitment on her part as well. Eggs are a part of a woman’s ability to reproduce. To donate eggs to a stranger is giving something personal to someone you never meet.

Egg Donation in Kansas City is one of the most successful fertility treatment options available to couples.

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