Barbeque Pork Ribs

Foods & Drinks

  • Author Eufemia Balasco
  • Published April 27, 2011
  • Word count 541

Try this extraordinary BBQ Pork Ribs Recipe for a culinary treat offered up from your own Barbecue this summer!

Ingredients: 4 lbs. of thick and meaty pork belly ribs, BBQ sauce (smoked variety), Red wine, Ketchup, Worcestershire sauce, Honey, Rosemary fresh leaves, Oregano flakes, Salt & pepper to taste, Corn starch or flour

You will notice that quantities weren't supplied for the ingredients because you may adjust the amounts to fit your taste. In fact the more you use the better it tastes! This recipe serves four hungry people.

Preparing the Ribs

Begin by marinating the ribs, putting them rather packed into a plastic bag or non-metal container. Sprinkle them with plenty of fresh Rosemary leaves (dried rosemary leaves can be employed but the taste won't be the same), Oregano flakes and pepper (no salt at this point), then liberally layer them with the honey, BBQ sauce, ketchup and Worcestershire sauce.

Turn the ribs and replicate the exact same procedure, then add the red wine, being careful not to wash out the coating of the ribs (it is best to pour the wine into the corners of the container).

The wine should cover almost all of the ribs. Let them marinate overnight in the refrigerator, carefully turning several times.

Get the charcoal ready and make certain that you've a great deal of it considering that pork takes quite a lot longer than beef to cook through. You will have to cook the ribs on the upper rack of the grill.

Procedure for Cooking

Once the meat is seared on one side, turn it around and put the salt over this side, then repeat the salting process once the opposite side is also sealed. Then transfer the ribs to the upper rack of the grill for the rest of the cooking.

You will need to flip them a number of times so that you can cook the ribs without burning. Check how well they're done by cutting one of the ribs in the thickest part and examining the colour. If you prefer the meat succulent then they will be all set when the internal flesh carries a very light pink colour without blood at all, but this is up to you, for a very well done rib, but drier, the meat should be almost completely white inside.

Pour honey over the ribs and allow it to melt about five minutes prior to completion for a terrific honey BBQ flavor.


While the ribs are cooking put all the marinade juice into a skillet (it can be sieved if you want) and add 2 or 3 teaspoons of cornstarch or flour to thicken the sauce. Bring it to boil, and then simmer for a few minutes. Examine the thickness of this sauce and add the salt to your liking. If you want it thicker, add more cornstarch dissolved in any cold liquid (water or wine, etc) to avoid the forming of any lumps.

Take note: To avoid an uncooked cornstarch taste, add cornstarch no less than 10 minutes before cooking is completed.

Lastly, serve the ribs with the sauce in a separate bowl, add some good company with a glass or two of wine and luxuriate in this BBQ pork ribs recipe on a cozy relaxing summer's evening!

Almost every pork recipes gives you the opportunity to create a fantastic dinner for you and your family. Try my pork recipes to create a dinner that changes everything!

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