Deburring Equipment – Types of Machinery


  • Author Kevin Schmiterson
  • Published February 19, 2011
  • Word count 415

Whether you are crafting parts for high tech industries, the aerospace or defense industries, or merely for other industrial use, you will want to think about how to best streamline your procedures, cut costs, and still offer a high quality product for your customers. One of the best ways to do this is with deburring equipment, which adds that extra step of professionalism to your operation. During the regular manufacturing process, it's common for burrs or excess pieces of material to form on the surface of your parts. These can catch inside a machine, leading to injury or a massive breakdown down the road.

For that reason, it's essential to get rid of these burrs before they are able to cause any long term damage. Fortunately, there are a variety of different options on the market when it comes to deburring equipment, ensuring that there should be the perfect solution no matter what type of parts you are in the business of making. Some of the most common types of processes that are used for deburring include spindle finishing, sanding, grinding, brushing, abrasive flow machining, and media blasting.

The best choice of these different processes will depend on the type and volume of parts that you produce. For example, if you are in the business of crafting more complex parts with fine grooves and areas that are hard to reach, then you will not want to use deburring equipment that is bulky or operated manually.

Instead, you might want to look at electro-chemical deburring machines, which are able to get into the smallest cracks to gently dissolve burrs without touching the rest of the part. If you are unsure of what type of machine or equipment to purchase, it's always a good idea to first speak with an expert to learn more about what your options are.

More extreme methods of deburring that are rarely used in the type of deburring equipment you'd purchase for a home business or small manufacturing operation include the thermal energy method or cryogenic method. These use liquid nitrogen and small thermal explosions to remove any excess burrs. In most cases, you will be able to find equipment that gives you the benefit of highly refined sanding or brushing. These types of equipment are cost-effective, and can be a good investment for multiple projects, meaning that if you expand your business down the road you can still make use of them. It's worth taking a look at the various options.

Contact us today with your deburring equipment needs and see what we can do for you.

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