The Advantages of Van Storage Systems

Autos & Trucks

  • Author Grant Liberty
  • Published May 4, 2011
  • Word count 425

If you work as a tradesperson then your time is a precious commodity, as the old adage goes 'time equals money'. But for a tradesperson this is markedly important. Spending longer than required on any task can have a subsequent effect for other jobs, which can leave customers unhappy and your hourly income reducing. Thus, it is worth considering anything that will boost your likeliness of accomplishing a job on time and to budget. Van storage systems could be a speedy answer.

The fitting of van storage systems has permitted many trades people to lower the time they spend on a job simply by allowing them to be greater organised. Recent study has shown that trades-people who have fitted a storage system save, on average, 1 hour per day of squandered time that would otherwise be spent trying to find tools, parts or having to make an added trip to obtain something they may have overlooked. Having all the tools you need for a job easily at hand means you could be making 7 hours worth of additional earnings a week, which is more than a day's worth of income per month that could be gained merely by installing a van storage system.

Van storage systems also make your van a safer workplace, especially if you have a lot of potentially unstable tools moving around whilst you cruise. These could potentially fall out and injure you, leading to time from work. Installing cabinets, draws or racks to safely gather your tools and equipment will ensure your tools don't get damaged and nor will your foot when you open the door.

Racking equipped on the side of a van can also add to its ability to bear sizable objects such as boarding. Expanding capacity once more results in fewer trips back and forth on a site, saving you both time and money. It can additionally assure you have the appropriate tools for a job and aren't making do with what you can get in the back of your van. Having adequate storage on your van can also make you look more professional, showing you have taken the time and effort to invest in your venture.

It is not unusual for a van storage system to quickly pay for itself by sparing the trades person both time and money through better efficiency, lower costs and simply being able to accomplish more jobs in the same measure of time. They will also improve the lifespan of the vehicle by preventing equipment from scratching the insides thereby lowering its salable value.

Making your van a safer working environment can have an impact on the amount of van insurance you may have to pay. So the savings in time, additional income and potentially reduced van insurance quotes make van storage systems a wise investment for any tradesperson.

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