Join A Student Exchange Plan And Reap Multiple Benefits

Reference & Education

  • Author Kurt Ferguson
  • Published May 9, 2011
  • Word count 499

An exchange student program looks exciting and so it is, but all the same, it is important to know what a student exchange program is all about.

By definition, in a student exchange program, a student, typically in secondary or higher education chooses to live in a foreign country to learn, among other things, the host country's language and culture.

Who Are The People Involved In A Student Exchange Plan?

Apart from the organization that is supporting the exchange program, there are three other groups involved. First, you have the student who wishes to study abroad called the foreign exchange student, then you have the people living with the student called the host family, and last, the person who will be coordinating the entire program from start to finish.

How Are Students Sorted Out For Student Exchange?

The program organizers will assess the international student's application, and then based on the student's scores and status will decide on which grade to place the student. There are no hard and fast rules in these matters.

How Is The Host Family Chosen?

There are no rigid rules. The guiding principle, however, must be that the family should have a willingness to be loving and appreciative of the guest student's cultural origin. Besides, both parties must add value to the exchange program by creating a new bond that will survive even after the exchange period is over.

Worldwide area representatives act as liaison between the visiting exchange students and the host family. The liaison job will include finding a suitable high school for the student, searching for the right host family and making other preparatory arrangements.

Program Duration

There is no fixed duration as these vary from program to program. A summer study program generally lasts for three months. An academic study program will last through the entire session that will spill over the next year, while a program in the southern hemisphere usually starts in January and lasts for around 10 months.

Key Benefits of Student Exchange Programs

The benefits are broad based and constitute both tangible and intangible benefits.


  • International learning drives the student's outlook to encompass understanding of different cultural perspectives.

  • Acquisition of a foreign language can benefit in future cultural exchange as well as in the professional field

  • There is a substantial increase in general knowledge and understanding of global issues


  • An International student exchange program results in improvement in self-awareness and self-esteem. This has been the most noticeable feature of students returning from abroad.

  • Apart from developing maturity, students get a tremendous sense of accomplishment, as living in another country is always a challenge.

Long Standing

  • Students, who later in life have to travel abroad often, will look forward to each visit with optimism and enthusiasm.

  • The ability to communicate easily with people abroad is an added bonus for prospective and present employers.

An affordable student exchange plan is something that should never be missed, as the benefits for short term and long term are bountiful.

Best Exchange Student Ltd. is one of the world's lowest cost international student exchange portal of its kind. The portal offers unlimited exchange opportunities for families to upload their profiles, contact each other, and make friends for life.

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