BING Marketing – How to Get Started

BusinessMarketing & Advertising

  • Author Kevin Schmiterson
  • Published February 26, 2011
  • Word count 406

No matter what type of company you work for, chances are that you have the increased need for an online presence and new forms of advertising. Although Google used to be the only search engine that SEO experts would bother with, BING is now just as important, and is used by a wide range of people. To get started with putting up PPC ads or other BING marketing, you can enlist the services of a professional agency that will help you to establish your online presence. This can include use of the Microsoft adExcellence program, which is an accredited program to certify agencies or PPC resellers. You should look for an agency that has been accredited in this manner.

A major update that has affected BING advertising is the fact that Yahoo's ads are now all powered by BING rather than Google. This means that for any PPC campaign to be effective for Yahoo users, you can't ignore BING search engine optimization. When you find an agency to work with, you can sit down and work out a marketing plan with this end goal. If you need help with ad design, structure, and other SEO topics, be sure to mention it during your initial consultation. Most resellers have the staff to complete all of these tasks for you.

Search experts who are able to manage a BING marketing campaign will be able to start off with setting campaign settings, managing daily budget settings, and assisting with relevant keyword research. This is all vital to putting a working system in place. Traffic number monitoring and fraud prevention are all part of this as well, so that if there are any alerts that come up they will be closely monitored throughout the process.

It's no longer enough simply to put up ads through newspapers. As the internet keeps expanding, it has become the primary source of information for most consumers, and this is where they will turn to first to find the products or service that they need. The only way to ensure that your business does not get lost in the shuffle is to make the internet work in your favor, and gain a higher profile. In a way, services such as BING advertising have leveled the playing field for smaller businesses with less of an advertising budget. They are now able to use other strategies to get the customer's attention, with the help of SEO experts.

Sweet Spot Marketing has been a certified [BING

marketing]( agency since November of 2007, as part of the Microsoft adExcellence certification program.

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