Daily Diet Shape Healthy Character for You

Health & FitnessBeauty

  • Author Serena Du
  • Published May 13, 2011
  • Word count 401

Daily Diet Shape Healthy Character for You

With the higher and higher work pressure, many people are easy to upset, how to deal with this problem? Take a look at following 11 other diet tricks.

1, unstable character people:

Unstable character who, often due to long-term calcium deficiency, caused by distracted, should eat plenty of calcium, phosphorus more food, such as soy, milk, amaranth, fried pumpkin seeds, seaweed, fungus, seaweed, snails, orange, river crab, shrimp and so on.

2, the chatter:

The chatters’ brain in a lack of vitamin B, so nagging needs to eat more whole grains, or milk and honey, often drink will be good results. Don’t only think often being a jay is a little thing.

3, irritability people:

Irritability, the more as result of calcium deficiency and lack of vitamin B, encountered something goes wrong, easily excited, even rage. Should reduce salt and sugar intake and can eat more calcium-containing milk and seafood.

4, timid people:

Timid persons, mainly a lack of vitamin A, B, C, are advised to eat more hot pepper, bamboo shoots, and dried fish and so on. Of course, probably because of excessive drinking acidic foods should eat fruits and vegetables.

5, fear of communication:

Self-closed, afraid of communication, the more the nervousness and apathy are therefore advised to drink honey, fruit juice, and drink a small amount of wine.

6, indecisive person:

Doing things more indecisive and they should establish a meat-centered diet, while consuming fruits, vegetables.

7, negative dependent people:

Negative dependent people, usually is a lack of boldness and courage in distress. Should be properly restrained sweets; eat less calcium and vitamin B1-rich foods.

8, who work out of persistence:

Those things run out of persistence, such people often lack vitamin A and vitamin C, should be eat pigs, cows, sheep, chicken, duck liver, milk, cattle and sheep, poultry, eggs, crab, snail and other food, should eat foods rich in vitamin C, peppers, dates, kiwi fruit, hawthorn, orange, bitter melon, canola, cowpea and so on.

9, stubborn person:

More stubborn people doing things would reduce the meat, but may eat more fish, and raw as possible; vegetables with green and yellow-based, eat less salt.

10, the anxiety person:

Tongue in anxiety, should eat foods rich in calcium and vitamin B family of food and to eat more animal protein.

11, fear, depressed person:

Fear, depression, please may wish to eat more lemon, lettuce, potatoes, bread with wheat bran and oat.

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