Give Your Godchild With the Best Gift During Christening

FamilyKids & Teens

  • Author Valentina Kaltchev
  • Published May 15, 2011
  • Word count 504

One of the most celebrated Christian customs and rites around the world is baptism or christening. It is a ceremony wherein the priest blesses the entrance of a person into the church and into the spiritual world. Most of the times, christening or baptism happens a few weeks after the baby came out from the womb of the mother. According to people who believe in Christianity, baptism is an act of redeeming one’s sin. The said act comes from the Greek word that means immersing or baptize. During baptism, the pastor or the priest puts a little amount of holy water on the head of the person. However, other religion also has their own practice of soaking the person to be christened into the river or lake. That was the same thing that happened to the baptism of Jesus Christ by Saint John the Baptist.

Being into that kind of ceremony makes our life complete. You can never be a real follower of the Lord if you are not baptized because it is our official entry to God’s kingdom. Most of the time when we talk about christening, we always have babies in mind. But don’t you know that there are also some who were baptized when they are already beyond their infancy? Believe it or not but Charice Pempengco, a Filipino international singer who was known because of her big voice and the song "Pyramid," was christened when she is already 17 years old? Charice had her entry to the Catholic Church on the 22nd of May 2010 at the Immaculate Conception Cathedral in Pasig City, Philippines. Baptism has no age requirement so if you are not yet christened start it now.

Selected godmothers and godfathers light up candle during the baptism of a baby. The priest will also request them to put their hands on the forehead of the baby as a covenant to their responsibilities to take good care of the baby as their second parents.

There is also the so-called confirmation. After the christening when a child reaches 12 years old or beyond he/she will be confirmed. Baptism and confirmation are both Christian rites that must be strictly followed. During confirmation, the child or baby to be confirmed is said to be showered with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. By the way, christening is needed before a person will be confirmed.

The things that are always present during baptism are the gifts! Children love presents and surprises. Godfathers and godmothers are the people who usually give gifts to the child to be christened. It is a way to make their godchildren happy as what parents will do. Around us are many gift ideas for all events especially christening. When your godchild will be christened then you can give him/her pacifiers, toys, dresses, sandals, and a lot more. If you are confused on what to give to your godchild then always remember the word comfort. Babies must be comfortable all the times so that they will not cry.

Christening can be more special if you give your godchild a comforter like baby quilts. Visit a website about baby crib bedding to discover why.

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