Generate Traffic To Your Website Via Article Marketing in Less Than 30 Minutes


  • Author Wisey Lim
  • Published May 20, 2011
  • Word count 388

Wondering how to generate traffic to your website? Now, article marketing is one of the most effective ways to do this.

Besides being able to generate traffic to your website for free, writing article can portray you as an expert in the market. The inbound links that you put in the article to direct the readers to your website will help your website's ranking in search engines.

So, how to generate traffic to your website by writing articles?

For those of you who are not familiar with article marketing, these are the 5 easy steps to get you started.

Step 1 Decide a topic for your article based on the niche market that you are promoting

Step 2 Research materials for your articles on the internet. You will be surprise how much free information and material you can find on the internet which can serve as a very good source for your articles. Normally, i take not more than 10 minutes to get sufficient material for my article.

Step 3 Start writing the article. With sufficient research, it normally doesn't take me more than 10 minutes to come out with the first draft of my article. The tips is write first, edit later. Do not think too long or too hard to start writing. Just do it! Else, how to generate traffic to your website if you do not start writing, but spend time thinking what and how to write. Anyhow, if you are not good or have no time to write, you can always pay someone to write the articles for you.

Step 4 Add a short biography at the end of your article (normally known as "resource box"). Remember to include a link in the biography/resource box to direct the readers back to your website, and promoting yourself products and services offered by your website. This is a must-have to generate traffic to your website.

Step 5 Submit your article on directories, newsletters etc. The main objective is to get free exposure and thus free traffic to websites via the article.

The above shows you how to generate traffic to your website by article marketing in less than 30 minutes via 5 simple steps. If you have not written any article before, apply the above simple steps and "vroom", there you go! Your first article is ready and will start getting traffic for your website!

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You may share this article, republish, reproduce it or make it as a source of reference with the condition that the contents of this article and its resource box are intact.

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