Fishing For Carp During The Spring

Sports & Recreations

  • Author Bradley   Jorgensen
  • Published May 21, 2011
  • Word count 401

Nearly every carp angler will agree that spring time is the hottest time of the year to fish for carp. While many avid carp fishermen will still attempt to catch these fish all year round, there is no better time to be outside and be the first to take advantage of all the fishing opportunities once the birds start chirping and the flowers start blooming.

Once the water in those prime carp fishing lakes and rivers start to warm up a bit, this inevitably stirs up the carp. The fish immediately become more active and alert as they prepare for the upcoming spawning season. At first in the spring, you will often spot carp with strange looking slug-like creatures attached to them. These creatures are actually leeches. Carp will struggle to shake them off by jumping aggressively from the water’s surface. Once you see this, you will then have a great idea of where to start fishing for your carp.

Another tactic that these fish use in order to rid themselves of their pesky stowaways is by rushing through the weeds and grasses hoping to knock them off their backs and sides. This makes beginning your fishing in the weeds a promising idea as well.

Carp can also be located in the space between clearings and beds of weeds. These areas actually exist due to carp having fed on such prey as bloodworms that live in the floor of the lake. It is here that the fish are likely to best react to an assortment of hook baits.

One of the best carp fishing tips that still work rather well for carp fishermen is to remember where it is that other anglers in the vicinity have been having their luck. Any time you hear of someone hauling in a rather large carp in a particular spot, chances are there are more where that fish came from and right in the same area, too. The larger carp will usually gravitate towards the same exact part of the lake or river each and every year as they tend to prefer very distinct hiding places. Many carp anglers already know this and might already be aware of where some of these fish are holding. As long as you can keep one ear open as to where these places might be, you could be privy to the same yearly information that the locals have.

For more information on Carp Fishing Tips or if you are interested in another form, WFN offers great fishing guides on Fishing Reels, Sport Fishing, Online Fishing Games and more. I used WFN as a main source for my information and I encourage all novices to continue learning from the WFN pros and experts.

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