Why An AV Hire Company With Its Own Equipment Is The Better Option

Arts & Entertainment

  • Author Kathryn Dawson
  • Published May 25, 2011
  • Word count 737

In recent decades, the idea of the business conference has become something more than the mundane meeting that it once was. The frills of free report packs and colourful power point presentations is no longer sufficient for any company that wishes to impress colleagues, partners or prospective clients. Now they use lighting, sound and recording equipment that would not be out of place at a rock concert. The av hire companies that supply these services have, in essence, turned corporate events into audio visual extravaganzas.

With the progress made and the technology used in modern av systems, it is perhaps to be expected. The positive image that a company can project by entertaining delegates with light shows and video presentations of almost documentary quality, is often one that earns extra and even more high profile clients. The cutting edge nature of the equipment used makes the event itself something of a ground breaker, telling all in attendance that their hosts are not lagging behind. For marketing purposes, av solutions can do more good than the av company themselves may even be aware.

The type of equipment that is required to make a corporate event, or even a private on, a truly impressive one is not readily available in the department store. Nor is it something that a company unassociated with audio visual services would want to invest in, with the price tag of some items alone running into the tens of thousands of pounds. The technical expertise that is required to set up everything, and maintain it, to a professional standard is also quite high.

Of course, that is why we approach the professionals in the first place. But even when the search for a hire company begins, it is necessary to decide what route to take. Basically, the choice is to hire a company that has its own supply of equipment, or to accept the services of one that draws its resources from a number of subcontractors and suppliers.

There are several advantages to working with companies that use all of their own equipment. Firstly, in terms of availability, the chances of something going wrong close to the night are minimised. The hire company knows what they have and part of their own preparation is to have each piece of equipment designated for specific clients. In this way, nothing can be double booked and nobody can be let down.

In contrast, a subcontractor adds another layer of risk, with the company hired reliant on their suppliers for equipment that may be vital for the event in question. Should their supplier double book, mislay or even have equipment broken or stolen, then the company hired is at a lost and a frantic search for alternative suppliers will likely ensue. The overall effect is to put into question whether the event can happen or not, which is not a prospect that hosts of a conference involving hundreds of delegates, for example, want to face.

A second advantage is confidence. There is a certain security in knowing that business is being done directly with the company actually supplying such vital equipment as the screens, the lighting system and the sound system. After all, intimating that it was the fault of someone else is amongst the least desirable responses when a problem does arise. A company that owns and hires out its own equipment is a company that cannot point the finger elsewhere but, more importantly, possesses a professional responsibility.

What this means is that the trust value is higher. The company hired knows that their business success depends on their reputation, which means a desire to have everything ready and in place when it has to be. Meanwhile, the client knows that the company they hired is the company that has the answers. There is no to-ing and fro-ing, but a straightforward professional relationship that can be relied upon.

These are key factors in any business relationship, but in situations where the client relies so heavily on the expertise of the contractor, trust is even more essential. The successful av hire companies have developed a level of trust with their clients that means they are called upon again and again.

Their quality of service, meanwhile, is upheld by their ability to reliably provide av solutions to every possible event, and meet such demands with the type of av systems that can turn a conference into an event to remember.

Kathryn Dawson writes articles for Piranha, a company that has over 15 years of experience of providing expert av solutions and av hire.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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