The Quickest And Healthiest Way To Loose Weight!

Health & FitnessWeight-Loss

  • Author Dale Randolf
  • Published May 30, 2011
  • Word count 576

This diet program is an alternative for those of us that may unsuccessfully or have had varying results from diets such as soup, cabbage soup, mediterranean diet, liquid diet, low carb diet and the list goes on. For those that may have taken more extreme measures to lose weight you may have tried what you thought were the best diet pills (got to love advertising) fast diets, crash diets or even surgery.

Not many people seeking weight loss recipes or good diet plans are aware of the French Dukan Diet. It is true that dukan diet started in France and is only now growing in popularity, why now you may ask. Because, finally now people realise it works. In my research I didn’t have to dig to deep to find the answers. This is a very competitive market for those of us who wish to loose weight and the marketing pitch by very powerful commercial companies with strong interest in maintaining their "market share" is colossal. I could spend hours writing this article displaying pie charts and financial reports etc but I won’t bore you, I think you get the idea

This diet program was conceived by a man known as Dr Pierre Dukan a little over ten years ago and has grown because provided you commit to it even for a couple of weeks you will see astonishing dieting results.

The dukan diet is very simple to follow and simply put you eat foods that contain protein. So for those of us with poor to mediocre eating habits this can be your very first challenge, overcoming of our lack of personal willpower. I initially found this difficult as I was an avid impulse eater, but I realised early that I could no longer afford to jump from one diet program to some other diet plan. If I was going to loose weight this time I had to stay focused.

I also included some very low key fitness exercises at the start. I need motivation so one way that may help you as it did me was to have a friend walk with me each day until such time as I felt comfortable and confident to go one my own. For me it works great I now walk twice a day and set distance goals for myself as well. So as well as enjoying the benefits of the Dukan Diet I am also getting a little fitter each day and feeling great about myself. It will work for you as well but you need to find what works for you.

So, personally I have found the Dukan Diet to work for me where other diet recipes have failed. You need to avoid oily and fatty foods because of the high cholesterol levels that they contain, you need to remind yourself constantly that your trying to eliminate fat not add to your problem. Also for those of us that are on vegan diets you will also find some fantastic vegetarian diet recipes in the Dukan Diet.

As long as you can maintain a little personal will power, you will certainly lose weight and pound for pound this is better than any of the other diet programs out there that I have ever seen and I have used quite a few of them. So my advice is if you want to lose weight now you need to go no further, start your Dukan Diet Plan Today.

Dale Randolf is a follower and supporter of the Dukan Diet Plan since 2008. For more information about this article "Dukan Diet Plan" and related subjects please visit

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