Backpacking Becky Branch Falls

Travel & Leisure

  • Author Shannon Rare Treasure
  • Published June 3, 2011
  • Word count 403

The trip to Becky Branch Falls is a short loop hike where part of this trail joins the Bartram Trail. There two major track landmarks on the route to the falls, one is the Warwoman Dell Road in the Rabun county and the other is the Bartram trail. For a quick trivia, Warwoman Dell was named after two historical female figures who fought in wars of the past. People are divided on who really was tagged as Warwoman as Nancy Hart was a revolutionary figure who fought during the war era. Then others would argue that the real Warwoman is Nancy Ward, who was the most powerful woman in the Cherokee clan.

Under a bridge past the first parking lot, Becky Branch runs through Warwoman Dell here. Climb up to Warwoman Dell Road using the Bartram Trail past right where the trout hatchery is. There is a trail blaze that marks the entrance, and then you proceed to a steep climb with a series of several sharp bends. Just a warning for those who have fear of heights, expect it to become worse at the Bartram Trail and the Becky Branch Falls Trails.

You will then have two options along the way; either take the climb to Becky Branch Falls Trail or opt for the often indistinguishable entrance of to Bartram Trail across the other side of the stream. The usual way hikers take is the Becky Branch Trail although the Bartram Trails easy switchbacks make it less hard to climb. Moving forward, the succeeding steps is a look hiking initially starting at the Becky Branch Trail.

Find your way into the forest where a stream is nearby. You’ll find variety of hardwood trees such as white oak and hickory. Halfway along this path, the trail turns left and the passage becomes narrow as you rise up to Becky Branch. You will know that you are almost near as you hear the gushing and dropping sound of water.

Then it continues further to the right and comes to a wooden bridge.

On this bridge, you will get descent view of the two-tiered falls. Cross the bridge and arrive at the Bartram Trail. The path to the right leads you to Rabun Country about 37 miles. Take a left turn after emerging from Warwoman Dell Road, from here there is a trail marker that bears the entrance of Bartram Trail to Warwoman Dell park.

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