Biometric Safe Security and Peace of Mind for You and Your Family


  • Author Randy Bettis
  • Published June 10, 2011
  • Word count 402

The hardest part of owning a firearm of any kind is keeping it secure. It not only needs to be protected against the possibility of theft, but also so that those in the household, such as children, have no access to them as well. The biometric safe is but the newest version of this, allowing only those it has been keyed to access it, eliminating a number of issues common to the everyday gunvault safe.

The standard gunvault safe is a very effective means of storing firearms. They are unusually difficult to get into. They are made of tempered steel, making them virtually impenetrable to most forms of unwanted entry. The combination lock is hard to bypass for anyone without the correct combination, and most have additional security, such as a glass plate that locks down the safe if shattered.

A pistol safe is just as secured. Although usually smaller than its taller cousin, it is designed to keep its contents out of the hands of those who should not have access to it. Not only does it keep pistols secure, but it also keeps the ammunition protected, and keeps all of that organized. Due to its small size, it can be hidden away from notice. As long as the owner knows the combination, it is one of the safest ways to keep small firearms out of hands that should not be able to use them.

However safe it may be, there are ways to make it more secure. Even with a gunvault safe, there are some limitations. The biggest disadvantage is that anyone who knows the combination can access the firearms. However, this can be dealt with by using a biometric safe. The key is that it requires not only a combination, but also that a fingerprint passed over a sensor matches a fingerprint on file. If the fingerprint does not match one on file, then it does not open.

There is a problem if it must be entered while the owner is not around, or anyone else not keyed to it, but that is a small price to pay for additional security. This means that knowing the combination is not sufficient to open it, making a biometric a lot more secure than other safes. When it comes to protecting your children from accessing your firearms and accidentally shooting themselves, that little bit of additional security is not a bad thing.

To view our quality biometric safes and related products, check out our website at

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