Hiking The Tallulah Gorge Loop Trail

Sports & Recreations

  • Author Shannon Rae Treasure
  • Published June 19, 2011
  • Word count 458

This 2.5 mile loop trail is also known as the North Rim Trail and the South Rim Trail wherein a section of the trail meets up with a suspension bridge that comments it to the Stop 3 on the South Rim. Alternately, the suspension bridge also connects the North Rim at stop 7 and 8. The Tallulah Gorge was Georgia’s first tourist attraction which started back in the 1800’s.

Hikers, kayakers, and bikers find leisurely outdoor activities around this trail park. For those who wants to go down into the gorge, you may get your required permit from the interpretive center. The start of the trail is at the Jane Hurt Yarn Interpretive Center. From the center, proceed to the forest cove and then descend to an interpretive sign. Make a right turn following some old tire rubber markers where you make a left onto Overlook 1 at the North Rim Trail. From a wide path, the treadway switches into a wooden staircase that swerves right before descending onto a footbridge crossing a small creek.

Along the path, you will come across a metal tower which was used by Karl Wallenda in 1970 for his 1,000 foot tightrope routine. At this section, you will also find an observation desk that gives you a 180-degree panoramic view of the Talullah Gorge. From here, go back to the intersection at the Yarn Center and then curve left to Overlook 2 and 3. At the Overlook 3, the path moves down for 375 steps onto the Tallulah Gorge suspension bridge. This bridge crosses above the gorge over the Hurricane Falls and proceeds to the Gorge Floor Trail wherein hikers and kayakers with permits are the ones allowed to enter. There is however a side trail prior to the bridge which leads to the top of Hurricane falls.

After emerging from the gorge, take a left to check Overlooks 8 to 10. Joining the South Rim Trail, move for another 0.1 of a mile as the dirt road makes an ascent to a line of electrical towers. Move to Overlook 10 wherein the Sliding Rock Trail joins straight ahead. The treadway continues to meander left to the overlook where the trail ends at the Ladore Falls. Extra precaution should be observed around this area especially after a rain.

At this point, continue to take the South Rim trail towards the Cherokee Overlook 6 where some stunning views are offered here. Follow the path on the other end of the viewing deck as the path then proceeds to a cement embankment of US 441. Ignore a right hand signage before the roadway and just continue to climb up on the road before turning right and then crossing the bridge. Make another right turn onto a staircase which meanders left back to the Yarn Center where your trail initially started.

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Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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