Avoiding Trade Show Exhibit Disasters

BusinessMarketing & Advertising

  • Author Chris Harmen
  • Published June 21, 2011
  • Word count 571

Almost everyone has a trade show disaster story that they share with others over drinks the last night of the exhibition. We've all groaned about delayed deliveries, poorly constructed booths, and missing promotional items. Don't let these unexpected events ruin your chance to find valuable leads and meet customers. Having the wherewithal to quickly resolve a glaring problem at your next show can work to your advantage if you keep a level head and impress everyone with your coping skills.

Your Trade Show Exhibit Never Arrived

No, you don't have to give up and go home. First, talk to the GC (General Contractor) in charge of these things. Have him explore the lading area and warehouse to see if your shipping containers can be located. Also use the tracking number, if you have one, to try and locate your supplies on the road. If your items can't be found, start making some phone calls to see if you can rent some trade show exhibit pieces to fill your empty space.

Your Display Has Been Damaged By The Delivery Team

Once again, the GC is the first person you should talk to. Explain the problem and take plenty of photos to back up your complaints. Fill out a claim form and leave it with the GC to handle. In the meantime, think about camouflaging the damaged pieces. Can you place a computer on the desk and open it so the screen hides that hole? Oversized potted plants or floral arrangements are a wonderful way to add charm and fresh air to your space while hiding torn or dinged displays.

The Graphics Were Somehow Ruined In Transit

If you've planned ahead, you should have a disk with you that contains fonts, graphics, and anything else you may need. Find a local print shop or talk to the General Contractor, who can point you toward a service that will give you a fast turn-around on reproducing your materials.

Small Tears, A Twisted Section Of Your Display Frame, Or Missing Elements

These problems can add up to a trade show exhibit that just doesn't look quite right. You can do some quick and easy repairs to bring your trade show exhibit up to snuff if you have a good emergency repair kit with you. Your repair kit should contain: scotch tape, duct tape, extension cords, hand tools, a surge protector/power strip, sticky tack, scissors, and a small sewing kit to help with fabric repairs.

Broken Display Elements

No one wants to cope with this kind of unfortunate and potentially costly disaster. If no one was hurt, count yourself lucky. If someone IS injured, exchange contact information with the person and find out where he works, etc. Be sure to report the incident immediately to the event's GC and planner and call your home office to find out who handles injury claims for your business. Also be sure to arrange for immediate removal of any elements that are damaged in order to avoid more accidents down the road. If you still have a fairly cohesive trade show exhibit without the missing element, continue on. If not, try to contact a rental company who can rent you a similar piece for the duration of the show.

Sometimes, there is no way to avoid a trade show disaster, but if you're prepared and think things through rationally, you can quickly turn your trade show exhibit disaster around.

Chris Harmen is an author for Xtreme Xhibits, sole provider of Skyline booths and displays for

Austin trade show exhibit participants. Xtreme Xhibits is the best choice for your next trade show exhibit in Austin.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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