Four Reasons You Need Three Representatives At Your Next Trade Show Booth

BusinessMarketing & Advertising

  • Author Chris Harmen
  • Published June 22, 2011
  • Word count 570

The effectiveness of any trade show booth relies partly on the quality of your company's representation by the employees manning your display area. Many companies send two people to represent their company at trade fairs, expos, and conventions, knowing that a single individual simply can't spread themselves that thin. However, even two people can be too little if it's a busy exhibition and you want the best possible ROI for your company.

Sending three people to man your company's trade show booth is a wise business decision. Although it may cost a bit more money up front, you'll discover that the rewards you reap will far outweigh the initial cost.

Reason #1: A Guaranteed Trade Show Booth Staff Replacement

Even the best laid-out plans can suddenly flounder if one of the employees assigned to your trade show booth falls ill at the last minute. It's virtually impossible for one person to man any sized display area on his or her own. If you planned on sending three people, you can still proceed with the two remaining individuals. However, if you only planned on sending two, you'll need to scramble to find another person at the last minute, and they may not be experienced enough to be much help.

Reason #2: Divide And Conquer

When things are really busy on the exhibition floor, it can be difficult to address the needs of everyone who visits your trade show booth. With three knowledgeable people, you can divide up responsibilities to make sure you have maximum coverage.

One person can talk to any serious prospects and work one on one with possible investors or vendors, giving them some undivided attention that they'll be grateful for. Another person can engage any 'walk-ins' who are looking for basic information or have simple questions. This meet and greet team member can also focus on restocking supplies, such as brochures and registration forms. The third person can walk the floor, networking with suppliers and vendors who may also be attending the conference. Taking note of developments at competitors' booths is also crucial.

Reason #3: Everyone Gets A Break

Every one of your employees working at the show will function more effectively if they each get to take a real lunch or dinner break. Too often, sparse staffing means wolfing down food and rushing back to the trade show booth. People don't work effectively if they feel frazzled or hurried. With three people working your display, there is always plenty of coverage when each person in turn takes a real break to unwind and regroup.

Reason #4: More Knowledge, More Power

When you send three people instead of one or two to man your booth, be sure to choose representatives who have specific, in-depth knowledge about your company and its products or services. You'll be able to answer more unexpected questions from prospects if you have three employees. If one person isn't able to help a visitor, he or she can graciously hand off the question to someone who can. Staffing your trade show booth with experts from different areas within your company can maximize positive results.

Sparse coverage of your booth can be worse than not attending the event at all. A lack of employees can send the wrong message if it gives the impression that your trade show booth is understaffed or overwhelmed. Sending three representatives of your company ensures that the impression you make is a lasting, positive one.

Chris Harmen writes for Xtreme Xhibits, a leading San Antonio trade show booth designer and supplier. Xtreme Xhibits is home to the renowned Skyline trade show booth in San Antonio and Austin.

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