Are You Having Fun Yet? 5 Ways To Improve The Mood At Your Trade Show Display

BusinessMarketing & Advertising

  • Author Chris Harmen
  • Published June 28, 2011
  • Word count 588

Every company knows that the design of a trade show display is crucial to its success. It has to attract visitors from across the room, communicate information effectively, and drive sales, all without being overwhelming or cluttered. Although most companies are aware of these requirements, surprisingly few understand a more subtle, yet equally important aspect of every trade show booth: the attitude of the staff.

Having an upbeat crew working your stand is just as important as the stand itself. Although we may not realize it, people are drawn to happy people. If your staff is having a good time, then attendees will want to share in that, and your overall visitor numbers will increase. In addition, the experience will be more enjoyable for every employee, leading them to more enthusiastically represent your company and have a good time. These tips are simple to implement, cost little to no money, and can make a big difference in the mood at your exhibit.

1: Create Friendly Competition At The Trade Show Booth

There are many ways to have a fun, lighthearted game that will boost morale. You could run a competition to see who can find the most outrageous trade show display in the show, or the most unlikely presenter. Anything will work, provided that the ultimate results give people a chance to smile, and that there isn't any pressure involved. However, don't make it a performance-based game - that's no fun.

2: Provide Basic Comforts

Keep water handy for your staff. Go to a wholesaler and buy enough to last the duration of the convention. In addition, make sure the trade show display itself is comfortable. This is particularly important if your unit is outside, in which case a fan and a shaded top will work wonders.

3: Remember The Value Of Break Time

Give your workers a break. Don't make them man the trade show booth throughout the convention with nothing else to do. They need variety, particularly if they're constantly engaging with visitors. Without a time-out, that pitch will get stale fast. Give your staff significant time off to get lunch or even just to wander around the convention. It's always a good idea for them to see what your competition is up to!

4: Encourage Team Building

Your convention team is often different from your usual marketing group. As you take a trade show display to more exhibitions, you'll generally find yourself working with the same people over and over again, even if your company doesn't have a defined convention staff group. Encourage this group to bond early and reinforce their connection. Let them develop inside jokes. Take them out for drinks after a long day of presenting. Being around friends will help keep morale up all day long.

5: Always, Always Be Positive!

The best way to kill the energy of a trade show booth is by trying to chastise staff into performing better. You might think that a harsh talk is just what your staff needs, but it almost invariably does more harm than good. If a more energetic performance is what you seek, or yesterday's results were lackluster, don't come at it from a negative perspective. Encourage good results instead of punishing poor performance.

These tips will help keep the mood at your trade show display light and fun, starting with your actual employees and spreading to everyone who visits. When you've got a positive atmosphere, everyone at the convention will be talking about your product - and coming by for a share of the good cheer!

Chris Harmen shares Dallas trade show booth tips and tricks for Skyline, an award-winning Dallas trade show display design company that offers a wide range of convention materials.

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