Medical Marijuana Dispensaries – How They Control the Situation

Health & FitnessMedicine

  • Author Kevin Schmiterson
  • Published June 24, 2011
  • Word count 413

Within the last several years, legislation has been passed allowing people in some areas to use medical marijuana as part of their treatment for medical conditions, like glaucoma, cancer and pain control in other terminal diseases. The main property of marijuana is the fact that it contains THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) which is known to reduce inflammation as well as increase appetite. There are some drawbacks in the use of medical marijuana, but some doctors feel the benefits outweigh the risks to the patient in some cases. Prescriptions are given to patients under long-term care for some conditions, or for conditions that are terminal in order to maintain their comfort level as the disease process runs its course.

In light of the legislation allowing the legal use of this controlled substance, medical marijuana dispensaries have been developed for controlled obtainment of the drug. Similar to pharmacies, the amount given to any particular patient is prescribed, given in a specified amount, and monitored for overuse. The dispensaries are required to keep strict records of patient information and signatures in order to monitor what is defined as legal use of medical marijuana. In addition to the patient records, medical marijuana dispensaries must have a record of where the marijuana came from or whether they are growing the cannabis sativa themselves and the amount they growing. The THC content of the plants is also monitored to remain within legal limits defined in revised legislation.

When the first laws and ordinances were introduced, they sparked several debates regarding the loopholes that would allow abuse of the medical marijuana dispensaries, such as growth of the plants for personal use in addition to their sales to patients obtaining them legally. In addition to the plants, pills that contain THC can be sold by medical marijuana dispensaries at the discretion of local and governmental agencies. Most often, the plants themselves are provided by private growers, allowing the dispensaries to meet the demands of their patients without the worry of violating any laws.

More regulation in the use of medical marijuana dispensaries has quieted some of the debate, but it still continues among those people that never believed in the legalization of the drug. There are some that still protest the induction of the legislation, regardless of whether medical marijuana is useful to patients or not. However, as with any newer legislation, there are going to be certain individuals that are allowed to voice their opinions, whether we agree with them or not.

Report bad products or service at medical marijuana dispensaries.

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