Looking for a Beauty school in San Jose? Or better yet looking for an Accredited Beauty School in San Jose?

Reference & EducationEducation

  • Author John Do
  • Published August 24, 2011
  • Word count 503

I know there are a lot of beauty schools out there especially here in San Jose but one should understand the advantages or disadvantages between going to an Accredited Beauty School and a Non-Accredited Beauty School. If you attend an accredited beauty school you can qualify for financial aid by the government to attend the accredited beauty school. The NACCAS or National Accrediting Commission for Cosmetology Arts and Science a commission which is recognized by the United States Department of Education, it is mostly the same as other commissions that accredit universities, colleges or vocational/technical schools. Because of this recognition, the students attending an accredited school listed among the accredited beauty school listings can avail of financial aid from the government.

In addition, in order for top beauty schools to be among the accredited beauty school listings, the school must meet certain standards. The beauty school's curriculum and facilities have to be up to par in order to keep their accredited status, so if you’re attending an accredited beauty school you are assured of a high standard of education.

Finally, some employers will prefer beauticians only from accredited beauty schools. They may feel that you got your education from a beauty school with a good reputation and therefore would make a better employee than if they hire a employee who was trained in a non-accredited beauty school.

What If I Don't Attend an Accredited Beauty or Cosmetology School?

-You will find it very hard to receive your cosmetology license, because this is required for being a legit in this field of profession.

As I have mentioned above you will not be able to avail of the financial aid by the government for this is only available to accredited beauty schools.

-Lacking or having to use mediocre facilities. The facilities are important so that when you are about to work as a beautician or about to start your own business by running a salon, you would know what equipments are needed and how to use them effectively and efficiently.

-You are not sure of the level of education you are going to receive if you attend a non-accredited beauty school. You are not even sure it the school you are going to attend meets the minimum or basic requirements of a legitimate beauty school. While accredited beauty schools assures you a high level of education that not only meets the basic requirements but also prepares you for your career as a beauty professional by giving the students the fundamental knowledge needed in the real world of salon business.

There is actually no disadvantage that I could think of if you decide to attend an accredited beauty school in comparison to attending a non-accredited beauty or cosmetology school.

So to end this, if you think about it really hard well not really that hard, it would make sense to attend an accredited beauty school than attending a non-accredited beauty school because of what I have just mentioned above. Good Luck future Beauty Professional!

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