Climb Mount Kinabalu in One Day - Should You Really Do It?

Travel & LeisureOutdoors

  • Author Gregg Hawes
  • Published September 10, 2011
  • Word count 508

Usually tourists take two days to climb Mount Kinabalu, so that they can enjoy the sights and rest for a night at the warm lodgings in Laban Rata. But if you feel you are in very good physical and mental condition and you do not care about having a good meal and a nice sleep before continuing your quest to the top, you can climb in one day. Here is what you should do if you want to climb the 4,095 m high peak in just one day:

  • You should arrive at The National Kinabalu Park Headquarters in advance, to book your climbing day

  • Look for a guide to accompany you; it is a compulsory condition if you want to climb Mount Kinabalu

  • Find a bus or something to get you from Kota Kinabalu to the park headquarters. Whatever you take, it will be about two hours before arriving to the park. Remember that you must start your climbing day very early if you want to make it to the top on time. Talk to your guide about that and set a meeting hour.

  • Make sure you stay in good health and shape because it will be quite exhausting to get to the top in just one day. Also, pray for good weather. You might be facing some difficulties if it rains.

  • You should reach Laban Rata around 11 am if you want to proceed further, to the top. If you arrive in Laban Rata too late, you might not be able to continue your climb.

If you think you are ok with all the above mentioned conditions, then you should also consider the "warnings" written below before really deciding to climb Mount Kinabalu in one day.

  • Like I have already said, weather is a very important and uncontrollable factor. If you are unlucky and it starts raining heavily, then your guide might be forced to take you back, for your safety. This will ruin your plans.

  • Also, you might not be as fast as you think. If you fail to reach Laban Rata before 12 am, you might find yourself in the impossibility of getting to the top on time

  • Your body might let you down, in spite of the fact that you think you are in good physical condition. Things like this just happen. It is a long and tiring way to the top.

  • You will probably miss all the wonderful things that are to be seen; do not make the climb the only purpose of your journey; especially since you can climb Mount Kinabalu and see all the amazing sights in just two days; why hurry to finish in one?

These are the facts; the decision is yours. Anyway, it is always a great experience to climb Mount Kinabalu, whether you do it in one, two or three days. Take all the time you need to enjoy yourself and admire all the beauties that nature offers us. And do not forget to take some pictures, even if you are in a rush. They will make a great photo-album.

Wanna try to climb Mount Kinabalu in one day? Visit our website.

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