Deer hunting in groups

Travel & LeisureOutdoors

  • Author Ana Maria
  • Published September 12, 2011
  • Word count 566

Hunting in group necessitates great organization. Whenever a group starts out into the wilderness to hunt an animal with either bows or firearms, it is of utmost importance that each member recognizes correct deer behavior, local hunting regulations, and ethics and has the proper skills when it comes to the weapons used. Also, just in case, each member of the party should have first aid training. You may never know!

For the best end result, the areas planned for the hunt are scouted several months in advance, before the season opens. The hunters will look over areas and place video cameras where they suspect game to be. The cameras will be checked and the decision of the hunting grounds will be made. Hunters can also plant food to bring deer to the area and will completely stock the hunting cabins.

The group should be composed of people who share mutual trust to avoid any possibility that someone could get injured or killed, merely because there was a lack of communication or qualifications. Family members of the people in the group should be informed of the exact hunting grounds, should something unexpected happen. The members of the group should also be familiar with their surroundings, in order to quickly find the nearest phone and medical assistance, if the need would ever arise.

First, the entire hunt can easily be missed if you do not set off early in the morning. The group has the greatest chance of getting to where the deer feeding grounds are by early rising, while still dark outside. From a safety point of view, hunting as a group can have its benefits. If one hunter is injured, he should allow another member to sit back and give help, while the others find professional medical assistance.

Now, let's consider some more important advice about group hunting. For one, every person in the group should pursue a clear set of rules. Even though every individual adds a distinct perspective to the hunt, it's more important to be a team rather than three or four individuals. Proper clothing is also a must! Along with the correctly camouflaged apparel, remember to bring maps and have the weapons in top working condition. Other accessories to remember include ammunition, food, water, ropes, matches etc. If possible, handheld GPS devices help out in case of intentional separation or becoming lost. With their help, the individual can get back to the camp in safe condition.

A fact that should always be remembered is that deer have a keen sense of smell. When something as simple as a chewing gum could be picked by their staggering sense of smell, everyone must remember to thoroughly clean themselves as well as use scent control products on the market, which can give further help.

Each person needs to be in the correct strategic position to get and keep the deer moving. They are infamous for staying or returning to familiar land, so by properly positioning the team mates, the game is forced out of a comfortable setting and into the open.

Group hunting can be more beneficial when done properly, but without preparation, it can result in a massive loss of time and energy. Bring the people you trust, make a plan, and have fun! Also, remember that hunting, as a game and recreational activity, never goes hand in hand with alcohol. Always be safe!

To find out what deer hunting guns you can use in your next deer hunting adventure, feel free to visit

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