Dare to Climb Mt Kinabalu

Travel & LeisureOutdoors

  • Author Malcolm Wong
  • Published September 29, 2011
  • Word count 492

Mount Kinabalu is located on the island of Borneo and is protected as Kinabalu National Park. It is the 4th tallest mountain in the Malay Archipelago and is one of the largest biologically diverse sites in the world.

On Mt Kinabalu, you can find 4500 species of plant, 326 species of birds, and over 100 mammals. Besides the largest plant in the world, the Rafflesia, there are many other interesting and rare plants to be found such as dwarf shrubs, mosses, lichens, liverworts, ferns and many different orchids. One of the reasons why there so many distinctive species here is that most of the soil is low in phosphates and high in iron and metals. This is poisonous to many plants, so plants either become different or they die. When it comes to animals, you can find birds like Mountain Serpent-eagle, Dulit Frogmouth, Eyebrowed Jungle Flycatcher, and mammals like: The Orangutan, Malayan Weasel, Oriental Small-clawed Otter, Leopard Cat and Borneon Ferret-Badger.

People mostly come here so they can try to climb the mountain. This can be a great experience but is also very hard. It is not enough just to decide and go, you have to be prepared even though this is one of the easiest peaks in the world to conquer. It is also a long way, taking two days to reach the top. Even though equipment is not required, it is highly recommended so you won't have to worry about anything. You will need clothes for different weather conditions, water and food, sunscreen cream, first aid kit, head-mounted torch and a camera. You are probably wondering where to put all that, but don't worry even if you forget something, it won't be a disaster.

Before you go, you must purchase a climbing permit and pay an insurance fee. You will probably know if you are capable and fit enough for this adventure. More than 95% people succeed. You don't have to be in super physical shape to do it. During the first part of the climb, you'll be going through rainforest which is the easiest part. After passing Layang-Layang, you are going to climb Laban Rata which is more difficult. You'll able to rest along the way. At the end of the day, climbers spend the night in one of the guesthouses so they can continue later. Climbers must wake up in the middle of the night in order to continue and finish the trip on time. Climbers will be heading to Sayat-Sayat and then on to Low's Peak. The view you are going to have there is hard to explain. It is beautiful and unforgettable. Most of the climbers reach the top at around 6am, leaving enough time to get back.

Climbing Mt Kinabalu will be for sure a journey of a lifetime. You'll get to know nature better and you'll feel like a real winner once you reach the top. This is just one of the things you can do in Borneo.

Read more about Dare To Climb Mt Kinabalu on this website.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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