There is No Comparison between Invisalign and Braces

Health & FitnessBeauty

  • Author Kevin Schmiterson
  • Published August 4, 2011
  • Word count 413

If you look on television, you will see ads for Invisalign all over the place. When you look at this option over braces, you will see the advantages. Appearance is the most obvious benefit of Invisalign. These invisible dental appliances are clear. These appliances fit tightly to the teeth and they will not be visible to those around you. For adults and self-conscious teens, these dental appliances are a great option. They do the same work as braces without the unsightly metal framework that people dread. Gradually, your teeth will move into position and no one will know why it happened. That is, unless you tell them. Your Kansas City Invisalign dentist can help you get started today.

Convenience is another major benefit of Invisalign. With braces, you have to watch what you eat. It is a great inconvenience to keep the teeth clean around the metal wires and posts holding braces in place. With Invisalign, that is not a problem. When you are eating, you can take the dental tray out. Before putting it back, you brush your teeth and remove any particles. You put the tray back in and everything is good to go. You do not have to visit the Kansas City Invisalign dentist every few weeks for brace adjustments either. You will make a few visits to make sure everything is going well, but there will be no pain involved.

A major advantage of Invisalign is comfort. Metal braces involve adhering metal posts to each tooth and stringing metal wires between those posts. The metal posts and wire can rub against the inside of the mouth causing irritation and even bleeding. A patient has to wear this framework for up to two years. Eating certain foods for that time is not an option. Some foods will stick into the posts and wires making them impossible to clean. None of that will happen with Invisalign. You can remove the tray when eating. That will keep food particles away from your dental tray. Your Kansas City Invisalign dentist can tell you about this thing and more.

Length of treatment makes the cake with Invisalign. With metal braces, treatment programs can last up to two full years. With Invisalign, the treatment plan usually lasts a year, on average. Some patients get through the plan within eight months. Others may take up to 15 months. That makes it half the time of metal braces. Many choose this treatment option because of this fact alone.

Whether your teeth are crowded, too far apart or have shifted since wearing braces, you’ll have a new reason to

smile with the Kansas City Invisalign Dentist.

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