Psychologically Surviving the Storm Recovery

HomeReal Estate

  • Author Jimmy Kay
  • Published October 10, 2011
  • Word count 791

While Tropical Storm Emily seems to be lessening in strength and may not effect Florida in any way, the existence of Tropical Storm Emily shows that hurricane season is here and by all estimates, this hurricane season is expected to be active. There are a bevy of available guides that outline hurricane preparedness and what to do before the storm hits but few of these guides outline how to psychologically survive the environmental and financial effects of being hit. The loss of property, personal heirlooms, and independence that stems from surviving a hurricane is devastating enough but they, unfortunately, can be the tip of the iceberg. Many of these stressors outlined in this article are not considered until the situation arises. It is our hope that someone may read this article and find some solace in the guidelines presented.

  1. Bored, frightened, and hungry children

In this era of seemingly endless multimedia distractions, many the kids of today are ill equipped for the harsh conditions of the mundane outside world. For the parent who just witnessed the irreversible destruction of their home, personal possessions, and other fruits of their lifelong investment, the inane banter of children whining about being bored can add immense unnecessary stress to an already unbelievably stressful situation. The best solution to this problem is a deck of cards. While Uno, Crazy Eights, and other specialized card games exist, in this reality, space is everything so a simple pack of playing cards can be employed for long term entertainment. The versatility of a standard deck of playing cards is unmatched by any specialized cards and can bring a much needed escape from the harsh post storm conditions.

  1. Pets

The financial burden of caring for a pet in a devastated economy can wreak psychological havoc amongst pet owners when they find themselves competing for the same food and water resources as their pet. The pet owners surely has the best intention for the well being of the pet but when the worst has happened and the owner is forced to choose between self preservation and pet preservation, often times it is the pet who suffers. The best solution is to prevent this scenario from happening. Find a pet shelter, find a pet boarding facility, or make arrangements to move the pet to a friend or family member's home - in an unaffected area - before the storm hits. The immeasurable psychological damage of this scenario is easy to stave off with simple prevention.

  1. Looting

If you are in an affected area, you need to move to a shelter, friend or relative's house, or to a hotel room where available. While the macho concept of protecting the homestead is honorable and appreciated, the lack of food, clean water, and the constant image of loss is too much on even the toughest psyche. Nothing adds insult to injury better than hunger pains and communicable diseases obtained in a disaster. The need or desire to protect your nonfunctioning and completely unusable 60" HD LCD TV is foolish, it can be replaced... pick up and move on. The best defense against loss is photographic or video evidence. BEFORE the approaching storms hits, photo catalog all of your possessions, heirlooms, expensive electronics, and vehicles; scan all sensitive documents and pictures to your PC; and make a text file of all your Internet usernames and password and then burn all this evidence to a robust medium like DVD. The contents of said DVD can be used for insurance claims, restoration or recreation of lost heirlooms, and is small enough to be easily protected and transported. While other backup methods, including remote backup exist and are reasonable, recovery from these methods can fail when there is no Internet activity, no electricity, no working computers, and your overly stressed mind cannot recall your name let alone Internet passwords. This DVD can put your mind at ease.

  1. Money

In a time of disaster the adage of "Cash is king" is never more apparent. All of the modern luxuries of credit cards, debit cards, and electronic bill payment fail when there is no electricity and no ability to withdraw money from an ATM. The solution is cash. You should maintain a cash reserve in your home for emergencies. This reserve does not need to be large, in fact, too much cash would make you a target so a small coin collection or paper currency reserve should be enough to help you get to an unaffected area in order to regroup and survive.

Surviving a disaster is trying enough. The strategies outlined in this article are presented in the hope that this information helps someone who suffers such challenge survive and recover with as little displacement, loss, and psychological scarring as possible.

This article is composed by and offered as a public service by Jimmy K.

Jimmy K is the Independent Owner and Operator of

Emergency Response Restoration


2665 N Atlantic Avenue, Daytona Beach, FL 32118.

Jimmy K is a true consumer advocate who is not afraid to battle the insurance company

to ensure the proper restoration of the consumer's water damaged home office or asset.

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