Designing A Lead Card For Your Trade Show Stand

BusinessMarketing & Advertising

  • Author Chris Harmen
  • Published November 2, 2011
  • Word count 496

The goal of your trade show exhibits is to connect with current and potential clients, as well as capture leads for your sales department. That's easy to do if you're the one working the trade show stand, but what if you're not even at the event? Designing an effective lead card can be as important as having professionally designed banner stands and displays. These cards can help you obtain the information you need to make your sales goals after each and every event, whether you were there or not.

Before The Event, Ask Your Sales Team What Information They Need

Before taking your trade show stand to the event, ask for permission to redesign your lead cards. Then, ask your sales staff what information they wish they had when calling on potential customers. Include the basics such as name, phone number, email address and website, but add in open-ended questions such as 'What type of concerns are most important to your company?' and 'How could you do your job more efficiently?' Try to avoid simple yes and no questions because they don't give you any opportunity to learn more about the business or its needs.

Asking your sales staff what kind of information they want to have is vital. Putting this information into their hands helps them determine with a quick glance which leads should be followed up on immediately. This means they won't waste their time in pursuit of leads that don't have the potential to become something more.

Consider Adding Sections For Social Media

Social media is becoming vitally important in business. Because of this, it's an excellent idea to add a spot for customers to put their Twitter handles, company Facebook pages, personal LinkedIn profiles and more. Having this information allows you to 'friend' or 'follow' your clients, which can lead to them following your own business page. Keep your company's social media pages up-to-date and tweet about the latest product and service offerings, special deals offered to your social media contacts and more.

Use Different Colors To Designate Hot Leads That Visited Your Trade Show Stand

Another way to differentiate between a hot lead and a cool one is to have the cards printed in different colors. When someone visits your trade show exhibits and talks to your staff, the staff can usually quickly tell if a customer is receptive to your product or service. If they are, hand them a different colored card to complete. If the client has already filled out a lead card while at your trade show exhibits, have your coworker mark it with a special symbol. Don't forget to have your coworker jot a few short notes down on the back of the card to make sure you know the details of their conversation with the client.

Banner stands and trade show exhibits can attract attention but, ultimately, it's the lead card that provides your sales staff with the information necessary to make the sale.

Chris Harmen is a writer for Skyline Houston, a company that assists customers with their Houston trade show exhibits. The company can design a custom Houston trade show stand for clients.

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