Step 1 to Finding Your Passion and How to Make a 6-figure Career Doing It


  • Author Karen Coffey
  • Published November 28, 2011
  • Word count 567

Find Your 6-Figure Niche - a crystal clear knowing of what your natural gifts are, the specific niche you're here to help, and what steps to take first and next to quickly build a lucrative endeavor has got to be the very first step you take towards creating 6 figures!

Here's the GREAT news! You don't have to figure it out on your own...Your Life leaves clues!

Everything you've ever done in your life, everything you've ever excelled at, every specialized course you've ever taken, every heartbreak and heart wrenching night you cried are there in your life's imprint leaving a clue so that you can discover what your gifts and talents are.

I was talking to a woman the other day in one of my SpiritLed Business Breakthrough Sessions and she mentioned she had no idea what she was good at or what her gifts might be. Gifts are different of course for everyone, some are esoteric, others are real world skills that others are in need to learn, while others are all about charity and giving back.

After only 15 minutes and a few simple questions I was able to determine a lucrative 6 figure career she could launch based on her skill of gifted conversation and Lead Generation, she was an EXPERT at it! Lead Generation is in the top 6 skills every wealthy business woman must know to become a 6 figure entrepreneur ...and she had it all right there before her without even knowing it.

What's the bottom line for her? She could easily succeed at any viable business that she wanted or she could train entrepreneurs around the world how to lead generate skillfully, massively increasing their bottom line, no matter what business they were in.

So here's what I want you to do

Cultivate Clues:

  • Take out a journal or notebook and write down

  • all the things you are naturally good at and

  • those things you have become skilled at through practice in your life

  • degrees or certifications you've earned

Don't forget any detail... for example it could be drawing, working with kids, business, massage, talking to friends, cooking, organizing, excel spreadsheets, a party, the list goes on and on.

  • Next, write down all the hardships you've overcome in your life. It could be divorce, being fired or laid off, abuse of any kind, self confidence issues, weight loss, finding your perfect relationship, health, hormones, money challenges... whatever you can think of write it down.

  • Now, write down those hobbies, experiences, skills and adventures that you just LOVE doing.

  • Team building

  • Youth camp

  • Running/exercising

  • Writing

  • Speaking

  • What cultures do you enjoy

  • What languages do you speak

  • Lastly, when you were a child, what characters did you play when you were imagining yourself as a grown up. For me, I wanted to be a writer and a psychiatrist. I played Bob Newhart and had my own rolodex of clients and a long sofa for them to lay on. As you can see, those are my two greatest passions in life...writing and assisting others through their most difficult challenges to having a financially rewarding life.

These steps are critical imprinted clues in your life's story that begin to show you your own Passions and SpiritLed Direction in life.

You may not know how they all tie together to create 6 figures just yet, however if you knew, your natural tendency would be to skip step #1.

Karen Coffey is the creator of the "6Figure SpiritLed Coaching Method" and Founder of the Hope of Humanity Foundation, as well as an internationally sought after speaker, author and spiritual teacher. Get your FREE "Money Miracles & Breakthroughs: 6-Figure Client Attraction Visualization Audio & Client Attraction Journal" by visiting

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