Tablets Take Over Phones Thanks to a Mobile Dialer

Computers & Technology

  • Author Harry Clark
  • Published December 3, 2011
  • Word count 523

A few years ago, we almost completely abandoned traditional cable phones, so is it possible that we will soon see the end of mobiles? As the world heads into the tablet era, the latest mobile devices in their slim forms now encompass dozens of useful tools, such as mobile dialers.

Is this a new era for telephony?

Immediately after the iPad launched back in April 2010, millions of industry experts and Apple fans went crazy for it. Today, all the leading companies in the mobile devices market have introduced their own take on the tablet, with the number of users increasing at an incredible rate - according to ABI Research it will hit 150,000,000 in 2015. Additionally, as reported, shipments of netbooks and PCs have already fallen significantly since last year, so does this mean it is going to be the same fate for smartphone? Will we all start to use tablets instead of the phones?

Calling applications inside

Shortly after the first presentation of the iPad it became clear that a tablet can be not only a modern toy or gadget for geeks, but also a useful tool. We can download and install dozens of handy applications on it, such as organizers, document editors, e-book readers, maps and much more. Among them, the mobile dialers, convenient apps that enrich each tablet with the ability to make phone calls. Such software is usually offered by large or medium sized telecoms operators, as an additional service, as well as by independent companies, to download for free or for a few dollars from online stores. Softphones (as they are also called) are based on the Voice over IP technology, which instead of a traditional telephone network uses WiFi, 3G or Edge.

More than a phone

Tablet users decide to download a mobile dialer not only because it enables them to make cost efficient international calls but also because these calls can be several times cheaper than traditional calls offered by telecoms providers. These applications are considered as something more than ordinary phones. In addition to a variety of convenient functionalities, such as call recording, voicemail, or texting, the user also has the ability to make voice conferences or video calls. On the large screen, face-to-face conversations on tablets are becoming more enjoyable, enhancing the quality of everyday long distance conversations. With this in mind, it’s no wonder softphones are so often chosen by enterprises to improve their business communication.

It’s so simple

Using softphones for tablets, despite what it may seem, is extremely easy. You don’t need to raise a large device to your ear, because the built-in speaker and sensitive microphone allow you to conveniently and effortlessly chat with others. In this way, every single phone call can turn into a high quality comfortable video conversation.

Even though tablets cannot threaten the position of netbooks or mobile phones, they will for sure provide them some serious competition. It takes place with the undoubted help from the innovative new applications that appear on the market every day. We can only wonder what next changes will be to affect our online communication in the near future.

Voipswitch Mobile software enables VoIP calls from mobile phones using a Voipswitch Mobile dialer.

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