Step 2 to Finding Your Passion and How to Make a 6-figure Career Doing It


  • Author Karen Coffey
  • Published December 15, 2011
  • Word count 618

A few weeks ago I shared with you Step #1 to Finding Your Passion and How to Make a 6-figure Career Doing It.

Now,on to Step #2 to Finding Your Passion and How to Make a 6-Figure Career Doing It.

Step 1 was all about finding the clues that life leaves us in regards to our calling, our passions and purposes in this life. Now I'll be sharing with you how to interpret those clues.

We start by creating what I call The Pyramid of Life's Experiences – all that you have been through, all that you have learned and done throughout your life has created a foundation for who you are. No experience, good or bad, no skill, no passion has been for naught, they all combine to make you the special and magical person that you are and ultimately, when the focus is narrowed, will take you to the pinnacle of your work.

Let me share how this happens.

I have a Private Platinum client that could not narrow her focus, there were many things she loved doing and was having a difficult time finding the passion she wanted to create 6-Figures with. She was a child abuse survivor, divorced, remarried and in a fabulous relationship, a personal trainer, and had a love for creating sacred spaces and experiences for others.

Looking at the list above I could immediately see all of them as areas she could make 6-Figures in, but which one is going to light her up each morning, which one excites her so much so she still can't wait to work on it when she's tired after a long day.

So we took a closer look:

She's a positive survivor of child abuse and could easily coach, consult, write and speak on the subject. How did she do it? Others want to know.

She's a survivor of divorce and a victor in finding new love. Again, how did she do it? How did she recover from divorce in a healthy way and then find true love again. Others want to know.

She's a personal trainer. She may have a system that allows her clients to cut back 20 lbs. in 30 days that others would like to know about.

She has a love for creating sacred spaces and experiences for others. She could take this into the corporate arena, creating soft and calming atmospheres to relieve stress, or she could do this one on one in her client's homes.

So what does your list look like?

What have you done or what have you overcome that others "might" want to know. Take a moment to write them down now and create your own pyramid.

Perhaps you don't feel you have any gifts or skills, or even any passions. I've found that it is impossible not to have a 6 figure pyramid...isn't that great news? Keep thinking about what you love to do, what makes you happy, what makes you smile. What results do others get from being around you and talking to you? Move your favorite ones towards the top of the pyramid.

So, back to my Private platinum client...

We decided that creating sacred spaces and experiences is what really excited her and lit her up each day and she could easily make 6-Figures by specializing in working with women who are dealing with extreme stress issues due to unhealthy relationships at home and in their corporate lives, creating new more fulfilling ones. This was her pinnacle, a combination of the things she loved the most.

Do Step #2 in Finding your 6-Figure SpiritLed Passion now. Mix them up, see if they overlap in anyway.

Follow your gut, don't worry about the how right now...that's my job!

Karen Coffey is the creator of the "6Figure SpiritLed Coaching Method" and Founder of the Hope of Humanity Foundation. Now she combines all of her business acumen and spiritual wisdom to guide women entrepreneurs who are ready to create 6-Figure businesses by tapping into Spirit at the highest levels possible for them. Get your FREE "Money Miracles & Breakthroughs: 6-Figure Client Attraction Visualization Audio & Client Attraction Journal" by visiting

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